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Showing 81-90 of 1620 search results
  • stakeholders_1600x900


    We are regularly in dialogue with key stakeholders who engage with issues relating to the maritime industry and the activities of the Wilhelmsen group. The dialogue contributes to understanding the expectations of the community and transferring them to the

  • Grete_Sofie_listing_image

    2019 - Grete Sofie Borud Nybakken

    Nybakken was the eleventh recipient of the Tom Wilhelmsen Foundation Opera and Ballet Prize. Grete Sofie Borud Nybakken Grete Sofie Borud Nybakkens exceptional talent for dance and movement was noticed at an early age. She was a student at the Opera’s Ballet School

  • John_and_Alan_listing_image

    2018 - John Lidal and Alan Lucien Øyen

    John Lidal and Alan Lucien Øyen were the tenth recipients of the Tom Wilhelmsen Foundation Opera and Ballet Prize. John Lidal Norway has a solid history in the international vocal arena through being able to contribute singers of the best qualityWe can

  • Melissa_and_Adrian_listing_image

    2017 - Melissa Hough and Adrian Angelico

    Hough and Adrian Angelico were the ninth recipients of the Tom Wilhelmsen Foundation Opera and Ballet Prize. Melissa Hough The jury based their decision on your role as one of the National Ballet’s foremost and most versatile dancers. The broad experience and

  • operaorkesteret_2016

    2016 - The Norwegian National Opera Orchestra

    The Norwegian National Opera Orchestra was the eighth recipient of the Tom Wilhelmsen Foundation Opera and Ballet Prize. The Norwegian National Opera Orchestra The Opera and Ballet Prize will this year be given to a group that we have long wanted to recognise

  • ingeborg_2015_2

    2015 - Ingeborg Gillebo

    Ingeborg Gillebo was the seventh recipient of the Tom Wilhelmsen Foundation Opera and Ballet Prize. Ingeborg Gillebo This year’s prize winner stands out as one of the most promising and talented young singers Norway can offer today.  With her beautiful, brilliant

  • Yolanda_2014_2

    2014 - Yolanda Correa

    Correa was the sixth recipient of the Tom Wilhelmsen Foundation Opera and Ballet Prize. Yolanda Correa This year's awardee. Tonight, you have had the pleasure of seeing the full display. She is Cuban-born, and when she came to the National Ballet in autumn 2010

  • audun_camilla

    2013 - Audun Iversen and Camilla Spidsøe Cohen

    Iversen and Camilla Spidsøe Cohen were the fifth recipients of the Tom Wilhelmsen Foundation Opera and Ballet Prize. Audun Iversen The Norwegian baritone Audun Iversen studied at the Norwegian State Academy of Music in Oslo, Hochschule für Musik und Theater

  • Updated

    Right to play

    The Wilhelmsen group has a cooperation agreement with the international humanitarian organisation Right To Play, which uses sport and play as an arena for development and peace. Through its support for this organisation the WW group is helping to give disadvantaged

  • Eugenie_Yngve_2012_3

    2012 - Yngve Søberg and Eugenie Skilnand

    Søberg and Eugenie Skilnand were the fourth recipients of the Tom Wilhelmsen Foundation Opera and Ballet Prize. Yngve Søberg Studying at both the Norwegian Academy of Music and the Royal Danish Opera Academy, Yngve made his debut in the role of the Mandarin


  • KLÜBEROIL GEM 1-150 N 200 LTR

  • KLÜBERBIO RM 2-100 200 LTR

  • KLÜBERBIO RM 8-100 200 LTR



  • KLÜBERBIO AM 92-142 25 KG

  • KLÜBERBIO EG 2-100 200 LTR

  • KLÜBERBIO LG 39-701 N 18 KG