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Showing 1-10 of 1618 search results
  • RORO and Car Carrier

    RORO and Car Carrier Management

    Our comprehensive ship management services expertise ensures that your RORO and car carrier ship operations run smoothly and efficiently. We have been a leader in the RoRo industry since 1978. With decades of experience managing over 75 RoRo and carrier vessels

  • Updated
    LNG Vessel

    LNG Vessel Management

    Comprehensive ship management solutions for LNG vessels, ensuring safety and efficient ship operation. LNG Vessel Types in Our LNG Vessel Management We have a strong track record in the management of various types of LNG vessels including FSU, FSRU, and LNG Bunkering

  • Updated
    LPG Vessel

    LPG Vessel Management

    With over 30 years of experience in LPG vessel management, we specialize in ship operations and technical ship management. We have a strong track record in the management of various types of LPG vessels. LPG vessels managed by us are maintained to the highest

  • Updated
    Bulk Vessel Management

    Bulk Carrier Management

    over 50 years of experience in managing bulk carriers of all sizes, focusing on hatch covers, cargo cranes, cargo holds, and ballast tanks, to ensure cost efficiency. Bulk carriers managed by us are maintained to the highest standards by our in-house team

  • Updated
    Container Onboard Vessel

    Container Vessel Management

    We provide technical ship management solutions for vessels of all sizes in the container sector. Ensuring efficient operation and cost control. Container vessels managed by us are maintained to the highest standards by our in-house team, driven by the aim of

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    Spark by WSM

    Emissions Management

    All the data and expertise you need for decarbonisation, energy efficiency and vessel performance. The race towards net zero emissions of greenhouse gases will have a profound impact on shipping and maritime. Emission-related data has become a currency for

  • Esther profile

    Esther Gan

    Vice President, Sustainability & Communications Esther leads the sustainability and communication efforts in Wilhelmsen Ship Management. Esther started her career in Wilhelmsen since 2009 and has undertaken diverse roles spanning finance, strategy, and sales

  • DukeMOP

    Duke Khoo

    General Manager of Wilhelmsen Ship Management, Singapore Duke currently serves as the General Manager at Wilhelmsen Ship Management Singapore, a role he advanced to from his previous position as Fleet Manager within the same organization. He embarked on his

  • Updated


  • cmt_website_image_DR_800x450

    Daniel Reinsborg

    Vice President, Finance Daniel Reinsborg...  He is currently based in Singapore.




  • DETECTOR NEW GS24-HFC-4000 (SAMON: 37-420 W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GSR24-HFC-4000 (SAMON: 37-920 W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GS230-HFC-4000 (SAMON: 37-425 W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GS24-HFC-4000-ZM (SAMON: 37-420-ZM W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GS230-HFC-4000-ZM (SAMON: 37-425-ZM W/SEN027)