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Showing 2701-2710 of 4264 search results
  • Ships Agency Services for LNG

    83.5% of the world's LNG fleet was handled by Wilhelmsen last year. It is a feat that we are proud of and we aim to continue our legacy. Globally, WSS is armed with relevant, all-rounded LNG expertise to provide our customers with quality service.

  • atmosphere-earth

    Future of Ship Management

    Sustainability is another word for success. Through these years, shipping has gone through a number of versatile periods. Our ambitions keeps us moving in projecting ahead for the future.

  • Webcast1

    Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA: Presentation of fourth quarter 2019 results

  • Our holdings and investments

  • Qube

    Qube is Australia’s largest integrated provider of import and export logistics services, covering the complete supply chain from beginning to end. Wilhelmsen owns 3% of Qube.

  • Ivaldi group

    Ivaldi is an additive manufacturing company, providing on-demand 3D printing of spare parts. Ivaldi is a Wilhelmsen owns 13.65% of Ivaldi.

  • Massterly

    Massterly is a joint venture between Wilhelmsen and Kongsberg Maritime offering a complete value chain for autonomous ships, from design and development, to control systems, logistics services and vessel operations. Wilhelmsen owns 50% of Massterly.

  • RaaLabs

    RaaLabs is a digital accelerator for the maritime industry developing new products, service and business models. RaaLabs is owned 50/50 by Wilhelmsen and Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA.

  • NorSea Group

    NorSea Group provides supply bases and integrated logistics solution to the offshore industry. Wilhelmsen owns 75.2% of NorSea Group

  • Resources