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Showing 81-90 of 1757 search results
  • News |

    Notice of annual general meeting 2021

    The annual general meeting of Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA will take place Thursday 22 April 2021 at 10:00 AM. To avoid spread of COVID-19 shareholders are encouraged to use the opportunity to vote in advance or issue a proxy instead of attending the annual

  • Press release |

    Wilhelmsen sets up to USD 500 million investment target for renewables

    Wilhelmsen re-designs organisation of group portfolio to intensify growth of maritime services and renewable energy and decarbonisation. “Our strategy is very clear, we will contribute to the energy infrastructure transition and be an active player in decarbonisation

  • Press release |

    Edda Wind orders two additional vessels and prepares for IPO

    Wilhelmsen and Østensjø each own 50% of Edda Wind. Anticipating long-term growth for the renewable energy sector, the company has placed an order for two additional Commissioning Service Operation Vessels (CSOV), bringing its fleet up to eight. Launched in

  • Materiality assessment

    We use a materiality assessment to find the aspects of our business that we believe have the most impact on the environment and the societies in which we operate. In the assessment, the importance of different topics are ranked by us and our stakeholders,

  • Materiality assessment 2020

    We use a materiality assessment to find the aspects of our business that we believe have the most impact on the environment and the societies in which we operate. In the assessment, the importance of different topics are ranked by us and our stakeholders,

  • Reporting scope

    Companies in which Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA (Wilhelmsen) owns more than 50% are included in the scope of this report.   Significant changes to the reporting scope for this period There have been no significant changes to the entities included in the scope

  • Alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    The Sustainable Development Goals help us understand where our work makes a difference. During the 2018 materiality assessment process, we identified four (4) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that we can positively impact through our work on the material

  • CCB-kollsnes-ii-2400x1054

    Business offering and model innovation

    Our approach to innovation is to invest and develop new business models, technologies, processes and capabilities that result in sustainable product and service offerings and the enabling infrastructure. Sustainable innovation is required to address the challenges

  • 5 møller (5)


    Our focus is on reducing the environmental impact of our own and our customers operations; as well as addressing industry and societal issues in particular, climate action and marine litter and pollution. Our focus is on reducing the environmental impact of

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    Responsible Procurement

    Our focus is to improve supplier selection and assessment process and to improve supplier engagement in responsible practices, through risk-based audits. Ship Management continued to require suppliers it works with to comply with the International Marine Purchasing


  • KLÜBEROIL GEM 1-150 N 200 LTR

  • KLÜBERBIO RM 2-100 200 LTR

  • KLÜBERBIO RM 8-100 200 LTR



  • KLÜBERBIO AM 92-142 25 KG

  • KLÜBERBIO EG 2-100 200 LTR

  • KLÜBERBIO LG 39-701 N 18 KG