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Showing 1-10 of 1488 search results
  • Wilhelmsen insights |
    lng vessel main image

    Understand the Mechanics: How Do LNG Ships Work

    Discover the essential operations of LNG ships and their crucial role in global energy transportation. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carriers are crucial in the demands of global energy transport system, which facilitates the transfer of LNG across immense distances

  • Wilhelmsen insights |
    Winning talent tug of war

    Winning the talent tug of war

    How Responsible Ship Management practices Attracts and Retains Top Seafaring Talent In a world where seafarer shortages are increasing and expected to intensify over the next five years, the tug of war for talent and competence is real. This shortage coupled

  • Wilhelmsen insights |

    Attitude matters when safety is a personal responsibility

    Our data observations demonstrate that officers with longer tenure in the company experience fewer incidents onboard compared to newly recruited experienced officers. Giving the right support to newly recruited experienced officers is paramount to instill

  • Wilhelmsen insights | Updated
    Cybersecurity listing

    Building that cyber safety net in Wilhelmsen Ship Management

    Looking at Industrial Revolution 4.0 where electronic systems including unmanned vehicles, augmented reality, the Internet of Things (IoT), sensor technology, geo-spatial technology and artificial intelligence, the biggest threat to this advancement is cyber

  • Wilhelmsen insights | Updated
    Mental health banner

    Mind over machoism: Wilhelmsen Ship Management's mental health awareness campaign on board

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management (WSM) pays attention to our seafarers’ mental health and wellbeing as part of the ongoing hazard watch campaign on board. Mental breakdowns could happen to seafarers especially in conditions where they work in isolation at sea.

  • Updated
    IMTC Reception

    An Exceptional Maritime Training Centre

    IMTC awarded Grade A1 for Maritime Training Centres The International Maritime Training Centre (IMTC) underwent a recent inspection according to the Comprehensive Inspection Programme (CIP) guidelines of the Director General of Shipping (DGS) - DGS Order No

  • News | (Updated )
    WM1-2019 Read

    WManager 1-2019

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management's in-house magazine WManager, WSM's magazine for customers, crew, and supporters, provides you the most recent developments and updates within the company. The magazine also delivers industrial insights and recommends best practices

  • News |
    WM2-2018 Cover_listing

    WManager 2-2018

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management's in-house magazine WManager, WSM's magazine for customers, crew, and supporters, provides you the most recent developments and updates within the company. The magazine also delivers industrial insights and recommends best practices

  • Updated
    IMTC Reception


    国 际海事 培训中 心(IMTC)是一所荣获A1级认可的海事培 训中心 国际海 事培训 中心(IMTC)最近根据航运总局(DGS)的综合审核计划(CIP)指引,即2014DGS23号令,进行了一项审核。通过该审核,IMTC荣获了为期三年的A1级(卓越)证书。   DNV-GL是船舶总局的认可组织(RO),代表DGS进行了该项审核。该审核调查包括:IMTC的教室、研讨会、实验室、教材、图书馆、等。课程开发材料和新推出的DGS认可电子技术官员衔接课程均通过了全面的审核。 此外,其一名审核员还参加了其一项IMTC

  • Wilhelmsen insights |
    Caricature crew of the future

    Building crew of the future

    Having state-of-the-art installations are good. Having competent crew who know how to handle them even better. Shipping has been evolving faster in the recent decade than ever before as more digital applications and equipment are being installed in ships to




  • DETECTOR NEW GS24-HFC-4000 (SAMON: 37-420 W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GSR24-HFC-4000 (SAMON: 37-920 W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GS230-HFC-4000 (SAMON: 37-425 W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GS24-HFC-4000-ZM (SAMON: 37-420-ZM W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GS230-HFC-4000-ZM (SAMON: 37-425-ZM W/SEN027)