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Showing 1-10 of 1489 search results
  • News |
    WM45 Cover

    WManager 2-2020

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management's in-house magazine In this special release of our corporate magazine WManager, we highlight our history of 45 years in serving the maritime and seafaring community. We marked a milestone this year by expanding our services to Germany

  • News |
    WM Cover 1-2020

    WManager 1-2020

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management's in-house magazine In this special release of our corporate magazine WManager, we cover how ship management has changed to cope with COVID-19. We highlight the strengths of our people in managing operational challenges brought by

  • Wilhelmsen insights | Updated
    Cybersecurity listing

    Building that cyber safety net in Wilhelmsen Ship Management

    Looking at Industrial Revolution 4.0 where electronic systems including unmanned vehicles, augmented reality, the Internet of Things (IoT), sensor technology, geo-spatial technology and artificial intelligence, the biggest threat to this advancement is cyber

  • News |
    WManager 2-2019 cover

    WManager 2-2019

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management's in-house magazine   WManager, WSM's magazine for customers, crew, and supporters, provides you the most recent developments and updates within the company. The magazine also delivers industrial insights and recommends best practices

  • News | (Updated )
    WM1-2019 Read

    WManager 1-2019

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management's in-house magazine WManager, WSM's magazine for customers, crew, and supporters, provides you the most recent developments and updates within the company. The magazine also delivers industrial insights and recommends best practices

  • Wilhelmsen insights |
    AI girl

    Data automation to deliver greater customer experience

    The journey to an ideal world of efficiency begins with small steps. Wilhelmsen Ship Management (WSM)’s incremental step towards operational efficiency through data automation. Operational efficiency is the fundamental pillar of our business strategy. We

  • Press release |
    WSM first autonomous vessel manager

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management shapes the regulatory framework in autonomous shipping

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management enters into strategic partnerships with DNV GL, Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) and University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) for the development of autonomous shipping operation. Singapore, 6 November 2018: Wilhelmsen Ship Management

  • Wilhelmsen insights |
    IoT Journey with WSM

    Cut to the chase with sea-shore transparency

    Moving towards a data driven future Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most exciting areas in shipping technology because through this technology, multiple sensors onboard are connected to the Internet generating numerous data points that leads to real-

  • News |
    WM2-2018 Cover_listing

    WManager 2-2018

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management's in-house magazine WManager, WSM's magazine for customers, crew, and supporters, provides you the most recent developments and updates within the company. The magazine also delivers industrial insights and recommends best practices

  • Wilhelmsen insights |
    IoT listing image

    Improving hull performance through IoT

    Reducing fuel consumption and carbon emission is high on the agenda of most owners and charterers today. Through on-board sensors and technology, Wilhelmsen Ship Management (WSM) shows how it is done. There are many ways to reduce fuel usage and carbon emission




  • DETECTOR NEW GS24-HFC-4000 (SAMON: 37-420 W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GSR24-HFC-4000 (SAMON: 37-920 W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GS230-HFC-4000 (SAMON: 37-425 W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GS24-HFC-4000-ZM (SAMON: 37-420-ZM W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GS230-HFC-4000-ZM (SAMON: 37-425-ZM W/SEN027)