
GDPR Statement of compliance

1. Introduction

The Foundation - Shipowner Tom Wilhelmsen’s Foundation, P.O. boks 33, Strandveien 20, 1366 Lysaker is data processing responsible for the registration of personal information in connection with the Foundation’s activities. These are: issuing grants to institutions, groups or individuals to support activities of scientific, social, humanitarian and cultural nature, as well as giving stipends or similar, to aid performing artists, and to encourage talented youth or others, to continue education, study or research.

The Foundation processes personal information in compliance with the applicable personal data laws. The regulations are intended to protect individuals from the misuse of personal information.

The Foundation is committed to protecting the information of persons where the Foundation has registered personal information:

1. Members of the Board of Directors
2. Suppliers
3. Persons seeking support

To ensure that personal information is handled in a secure and responsible manner, we have established the following guidelines.

2. Objectives of processing

In order to administer work with the Foundations objectives and its activities, the Foundation has to process certain personal information. We use personal information only for the following purposes Registration and processing applications bank information in order to pay the grants, Board fees and supplier invoices.

3. What personal information is processed

Only personal information that is necessary for carrying out the objectives and activities of the Foundation.

4. Basis for processing

In accordance with GDPR, the Foundation has a legal right to process personal information in order to carry out its objectives.

The Foundation obtains permission from individuals whose personal information are stored by the Foundation, by completing an agreement with the individual, or through a concrete acceptance by the individual, based on the Foundations terms of interaction.

5. Security

The Foundation will continually ensure that personal information is not misused and that it is correct

6. Personal information to third parties

The Foundation can give third parties access to personal information when it is necessary in order to carry out its objectives.

The Foundation makes data processing agreements with third parties that can have access to personal information. These third parties may not use such personal information for anything but as agreed with the Foundation.

7. Rights/Insight

Individuals with personal information stored at the Foundation, can demand insight in the information, and correction or deletion of personal information, including requesting limited use of personal information in addition to protesting the use of them.
Requests for insight into which personal information the Foundation has stored can be sent to:
Individuals with personal information stored at the Foundation, have the right to complain to The Data Protection Agency if they feel that the Foundation is processing personal information in conflict with the GDPR

8. Storing and deletion of personal information

The Foundation does not store personal information longer than is necessary for administering and performing its objectives, unless the Foundation is required by law to store the information.
Shipowner Tom Wilhelmsen’s Foundation stores personal information in the form of name stipend amount and account number in its accounting system in accordance with the relevant accounting laws.