HPCE Anaconda Lance Kit usage photo

Cargo hold cleaning, done better

The pressure on ship-owners and operators to become more efficient is growing more intense. The hold cleaning that takes place between cargoes is vital, and is now more closely regulated than ever before. Non-compliance is costly, causing hold-ups in ports until regulations have been met.

We offer an upgraded cargo hold cleaning solution, combining high-performance cleaning agents and mobile equipment to help ship owners, operators and their crews stay safe and compliant on a global basis. 

The kit includes everything the crew needs, it is easy to assemble and ready to use. The improved design makes it easier to manoeuvre and operate, resulting in safer operations in accordance with MLC regulations.  In addition, the equipment is combined with high-performance chemicals, all supported by clear documentation and literature, e-learning and demonstration videos.

It’s simply cargo hold cleaning done better.

“Our cleaning solutions are designed to achieve the same results every time: safe, simple cargo hold cleaning and reduced turnaround times in port. With supplies available across our global network, we help customers stay compliant and save cost.”

Learn more about the HPCE Anaconda Lance Kit