Gas & Cylinders
Global Availability. Quality assurance. Total compliance. There’s more that goes into Unitor™ cylinders.
With us as your worldwide partner for gas supply, you can rest assured. We run the world’s largest network for the distribution, re-filling, maintenance and exchange of Unitor™ gas cylinders. Covering a wide range of applications, our gases are available wherever and whenever you need them.
Quality is guaranteed, and every cylinder is tracked globally for greater transparency and security. At the same time, you can be certain that cylinders and their contents meet the requirements of all relevant regulations. Altogether, we offer a more efficient way for you to manage cylinder stocks and stay fully compliant.
The difference is in the delivery
The quality of the gases we supply is guaranteed. Unitor™ cylinders are filled only by approved suppliers. Its contents meet all the required standards for purity and pressure, hence removing the risk of damage to equipment or harm to crew caused by poor quality fillings. Better still, Unitor™ gas solutions are supported worldwide by a service network that’s dedicated to keeping your fleet fully supplied and compliant with current port and environmental regulations.
Wilhelmsen has supplied gas cylinders requested by the vessel within a short notice and always goes the extra mile to satisfy our requirements. Great customer service and fast response to our enquiries. Our customer service contact provided exceptional service and was very professional - we really appreciate her effort and kindness.
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines LTD, Judith Camba, Technical Projects Buyer
Cylinder safety and maintenance
Before filling, every cylinder is inspected according to strict rules by trained technicians and refurbished and requalified where necessary. Those that fail to meet our standards are scrapped, so there’s no doubt about the integrity of cylinders or concern about the consequences of failure. We go further so you can have a peace of mind.
Online Product Catalogue
Our Solutions
Speciality gases for calibration and bump testing of gas detection equipment supplied in either disposable cans for easy use or in cost effective refillable cylinders being part of our global exchange program. All these speciality gases have a high degree of accuracy and repeatability.
A full range of regulators for the different gases and cylinders in different applications aligned with the needs of onboard use.
As the world’s largest provider of high quality marine refrigerants, we are fully aware of the demands of environmental regulations. And we constantly look to the future to make certain that the Unicool refrigerant range, and our customers who use them, remain compliant always.
A global exchange program offering gases in a standardised cylinders and valve connections allowing customers full flexibility on where they take and return the cylinders and still having access to the gases in a uniform way.
Rack & Manifold
Offshore certified for the transport of up to 16 cylinders which can be equipped with a manifold for central take off of the gases. The cylinders are part of the global exchange program.
Expert knowledge
The safety risks of poor cylinder safety management
Technical gases are an integral part of vessel maintenance, and properly managing your gas cylinders is critical for safety. Here are five safety risks that you must keep in mind.
Wilhelmsen insights |
Mohamed Danial Arsad , Technical Product Manager, Gases & Cylinders -
Choosing the right shielding gas for your welding needs on board
Arc welding processes commonly used by vessel crew, such as TIG and MIG/MAG welding, require the use of a shielding gas primarily to shield and protect the molten weld pool from the surrounding atmosphere. Let's examine the key factors to consider in selecting the right shielding gas for your crew's welding needs on board.
Practise Safe Handling of Gas Cylinders to Ensure A Safe Onboard Environment
The dangers of handling gas cylinders are well-documented and many strict design, approval, and re-qualification rules have been put in place to ensure the safety of users. But besides legal requirements, users must also be aware of certain risks in order to protect themselves. Eddy Scheepers, Subject Matter Expert at Wilhelmsen Ships Service, explains more.
New Maintenance Standards: Pressure Regulators and Flashback Arrestors
With new standards for vessels with flammable cargoes, compliance is important to minimize the risk of fires and explosions on board. This article serves as a guide on the importance of pressure regulators and flashback arrestors.
Wilhelmsen insights |
Eddy Scheepers, Senior Technical Product Manager, Gases and Cylinders
Customer Tools
Cylinder Safety Checklist
Know and understand the properties and hazards associated with various gases, cylinders and gas distribution systems. Follow this checklist to ensure cylinder safety.
Protect Your Gas Cylinders & Equipment: Safety Elements
Stop flashbacks endangering personnel and damaging equipment and cylinders. Learn the safety elements involved to protect your gas cylinders and equipment.
Need advice?
With offices in 75 countries supporting our non-stop operations in 2 200 port locations across the globe, you can be assured that we have the local knowledge and industry expertise to find the best solution to cater for your needs.