Notice of Annual General Meeting 2016
At 09:30 hours (CET), prior to the commencement of the general meeting, Group CEO Thomas Wilhelmsen will report jointly on the current activities in Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA and Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA.
AGENDA 1. Adoption of the notice and the agenda
2. Election of a person to co-sign the minutes
3. Approval of the annual accounts and annual report for Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA for the financial year 2015, including the consolidated accounts and payment of dividend
4. Proposal to authorize the board of directors to distribute dividends
5. Declaration from the board on stipulation of salary and other remuneration for leading employees
6. Statement on corporate governance pursuant to Section 3-3b of the Norwegian Accounting Act
7. Approval of the fee to the company’s auditor
8. Determination on the remuneration for the members of the board of directors
9. Determination on the remuneration to the members of the nomination committee
10. Election of members of the board of directors
11. Authorization to the board of directors to acquire shares in the company
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