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  • Wilhelmsen insights | Updated
    1600 X 900 Preventing wax formations in winter

    Preventing wax formations in marine diesel fuels

    While distillate fuels will comfortably keep you within the latest sulphur emission limits all year round, when winter approaches and temperatures drop they can pose more problems than they actually solve. Susceptible to wax formation, blocked oil filters

  • Wilhelmsen insights |

    The digital approach to business

    Digitalisation is changing the world and Wilhelmsen is ready to play a key role in shaping it. A new Digital Solutions team is ready to guide the group and transform the way we do business. Digital technologies have had a dramatic impact on our lives thanks to the evolution

  • Wilhelmsen insights | Updated
    boiler heat exchanger

    Fuel Treatment: Efficiency gains more than just hot air

    Systematic fuel treatment can unlock significant operational and financial gains - nowhere during the life cycle of fuel is this more evident than at its end, in the exhaust gas boiler. Lubricity, biocide and stabilizer treatment products have rightly become

  • Wilhelmsen insights | Updated
    1600 X 900 - HAVS welding

    Precautions against hand and arm vibrations syndrome (HAVS) for welders

    Hand and arm vibrations syndrome (HAVS) is a disabling disease and is a recognized occupational injury commonly experienced by welders. As of today, there are limited medical treatments to HAVS, however it can be prevented by taking precautions to protect

  • Wilhelmsen insights |
    1600 X 900 suez canal rebate guide - navigating

    Suez canal rebates guide: Navigating the rebate system

    The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) has implemented a rebate system as an incentive to attract more ships to use the Suez Canal instead of alternative routes. Knowing how to navigate your way through the rebate system's processes is important to understand as it

  • Wilhelmsen insights |

    Steaming into the future

    Vessels need to be run as effective and cost efficient as possible. Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA, OW (Wallenius) and StormGeo have created a monitoring and analysing system for the future. Shippersys is a web-based advanced vessel performance monitoring and analysis

  • Wilhelmsen insights |

    Moving on from sulphur

    Learn why Wilhelmsen is leading the switch to a post-sulphur shipping industry. Tough new regulations on sulphur emissions have caused panic in the shipping industry. At the start of 2015, the level of sulphur permitted in Emissions Control Areas (ECAs) was

  • Wilhelmsen insights | Updated
    Pollution 2

    Managing fuel quality issues and meeting regulatory requirements

    For shipowners and operators, maintaining fuel quality at a time of tightening regulation requires a clear understanding of the challenges It’s a hard but inescapable fact that the quality of marine fuel used across the world’s shipping fleet has been deteriorating

  • Wilhelmsen insights |

    Proper cargo hold cleaning procedures mean good risk management

    What is the most important part of a bulk carrier? The bridge perhaps or maybe the engine room? In truth, it is cargo holds that are the key to the ship’s profitability. The design of modern dry bulk carriers is centred around their holds and has evolved to

  • Wilhelmsen insights | Updated

    R-22 – The Final Countdown

    For Europe, R-22 is a refrigerant of the past as it was phased out across the EU back in 2010, due to its Ozone Depletion Potential. However, the rest of the world is still using R-22, despite the fact that it will be completely phased out by the Montreal