25 years in gas ship management
In 1994, WSM (then Barber Ship Management) was awarded the management of LPG carrier Gas Rising Sun owned by Yuyo Steamship. It was a great accomplishment to us as it was uncommon back in the 90's to outsource the management of such complex vessels.
This sets the precedence for many more gas vessels to come. WSM was one of the pioneering ship managers to successfully penetrate the third party ship management for gas segment. We truly believe our passion for quality and reliability made us a trustworthy partner.
From a single vessel in 1994, we have grown our fleet to nearly 30 vessels today. Watch our story here :
There is no secret to our success. We are simply taking every single detail into the big picture as managing gas vessels require high levels of precision and safety attention.
And the journey does not stop here.
LPG Carrier, Gas Rising Sun, was the first gas vessel managed by WSM in 1994.