
WManager 2-2023

Wilhelmsen Ship Management's in-house magazine
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We are pleased to present the second edition of WManager 2023, featuring our new strategic procurement initiative, RightProc, exclusively designed for the maritime and shipping sectors. RightProc provides tailored solutions by integrating strategic procurement expertise with advanced data analytics, positioned to manage our upstream procurement processes effectively and deliver enhanced value to our clients within a robust ESG framework.

RightProc services encompass:

  • Cost savings identification through collaborative sourcing and intelligent replenishment strategies.
  • Strengthening collaborations with suppliers for positive sustainability alignment.
  • Enhancing accountability, transparency, and management in the supply chain.
  • Providing comprehensive assurance on ESG risks, such as continuous sanction screening, human rights checks, Scope 3 greenhouse gas emission reporting, and rigorous supplier audits. 

Other exciting news to read about is our recent acquisition of Zeaborn Ship Management with MPC Capital AG. Explore our progress in revitalizing the Barber brand and learn about our commitment to delivering competent ship management for the tanker segment. 

In the second half of 2023, we hosted various events, including officers' conferences promoting professional development for our seafarers and customer events that strengthen our customer relationships. Discover more about our philanthropy project initiatives, reflecting our dedication to giving back to the communities we work with. Lastly, we invite you to try the unique Kimchi recipe from our recent philanthropy project! 

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