Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator Course - Oil Product/Chemical Parcel Tanker (LCHS-CHEM) IMO Model 1.37

With the growing concern about pollution and the environment, this course develops the professional skills and confidence of Deck officers who are engaged in the handling of Bulk Liquid Cargoes with the help of simulating the cargo operations conducted on Oil/Chemical Tankers.
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IMO 1.37 – Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator LCHS Chemical:

The main aspects of the planning and execution of operations and the solving of problems that may arise can be demonstrated and practiced in the safe environment of the simulator.

Course Objective: The objective of the course is to improve the cargo and ballast handling skills of the deck officers onboard a chemical tanker. It will also improve the safety culture onboard, with regards to cargo operations on a chemical tanker and prevent oil pollution incidents. 

Duration of the online course: 5 days

Suggested Target Group: Deck Officers

Course Contents: 

  • To develop a better understanding of the basic operation of oil/chem tanker
  • To handle the operations in a safe manner, using the simulator
  • Preloading
  • Loading on the simulator with single and multiple cargoes.
  • Pre discharging
  • Discharging Cargo with I-G Plant in operation in the simulator
  • Ballasting
  • De-Ballasting
  • Other Tanker Operations, Inerting, Purging Washing Operations
  • Cargo Calculations
  • Pump theory and Operations
  • Tanker Hazards (Over-pressurization, Overfilling, Slack tanks, Stability issues)
  • Gas measurement