Auxiliary Engine Maintenance Workshop (AEMW)

In existing times of reduced manning onboard vessels, shorter sea time requirements for exams and quick promotions from Jnr Engineer to 4th Engineer, it is challenging to maintain the auxiliary engine and associated equipment under tight schedules.
Course | Updated
This course is scheduled on demand

Duration: 5 days

Suggested Target Group: 
Junior Engineers, Fouth Engineers and any other ranks

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 A newly promoted 4th Engineer may have little or no practical hands-on experience of auxiliary engine maintenance routines, repairs, inspection and evaluation processes.

This workshop based, practical oriented course is designed to improve the participant's understanding and overhauling skills in following the procedures and safe practices required during maintenance and repair of the auxiliary engine and its associated equipment.  It allows participants to gain confident, estimate time, manpower requirements and judgment in deciding replacement of parts.  It wold also make participants understand the problems faced by crew members in carrying out repairs and maintenance work of auxiliary engines and be able to appreciate the need for co-ordinated teamwork.

Course Objective: Upon completion of this course, the participant will:

  • acquire practical knowledge and skills in complete overhauling of an auxiliary engine in a safe and efficient manner
  • familiarisation with the various routine maintenance jobs on the auxiliary engine
  • measure, record and evaluate various important parameters such as connecting rod bottom end bearing bore ovality measurement, cylinder liner calibration, Piston ring groove measurement and crankshaft deflection measurement
  • make use of the skill developed to obtain efficient power management

Duration: 5 days

Suggested Target Group: Junior Engineers, Fouth Engineers and any other ranks

Course Contents:

  • Practical use of tools, measuring tools such as vernier, micrometers and dial gauges
  • 500 hour / 1000 hour inspection and maintenance routines of auxiliary engines
  • Overhaul and maintenance procedure for fuel injectors, cylinder head and its mountings
  • Bosch fuel pump overhaul and fuel injection timing checks
  • Cylinder liner extraction and calibration
  • Crankshaft web deflection measurement and analysis
  • Removal, inspection and refitting of connecting rod bottom end and crankshaft main bearings