Product information

Navaclean 823 Buffer cleaner 55 is a concentrated acid based tank cleaner, specially for zinc and epoxy coated tankers, to clean cargo tanks after cargoes such as leaded gasoline, gasoline blends containing MTBE, carbon tetrachloride, methylene chloride as well as virgin naphtha. It will remove lead, hydrocarbons, chlorides, sulphides etc. from the pores of zinc silicate and epoxy coatings. It can be used as the final cleaning procedure when the cargo tanks have to be completely cleaned for lead, chlorides, sulphides, or MTBE prior to loading of special high purity cargoes.


  • Concentrated acid based tank cleaner specially for zinc and epoxy coated tankers.
  • Free from hydrocarbon solvents


  • Safe to use on epoxy and zinc silicate coatings
  • Biodegradable
  • Approved according to IMO MEPC.1/Circ. 590 and Marpol Annex V
  • Effective and economical



Directions for use

Never dilute Navaclean 823 with seawater or river water. For solutions, always use freshwater only.

Hand spraying:

  • Apply 1 liter undiluted Navaclean 823 55 per 3-5 m2
  • Let the cleaner penetrate for 30-45 minutes.
  • Wash down with freshwater and check results preferably with a wall wash test kit.


  • Make a 10% solution in freshwater in a slop (solution) tank
  • Heat the solution to a maximum of 60°C
  • Wash tanks by recirculation for 60 minutes
  • Rinse with freshwater and check the results
  • For chloride-free cleaning and passing chloride test, use chloride-free Deionized Water for the final rinse.

Consult your local specialist/expert for more on wall wash test kit and reagents.