Vessel Accounting

We leverage on data to achieve potential savings through strategic procurement, maintenance routine, dry dock preparation and optimal crewing strategy. It is our priority to deliver our defined performance level with full transparency in your vessel cost position.

OPEX Management

Optimizing vessel operating expenses (OPEX) to deliver our defined performance level is our priority. We aim to take a proactive approach in streamlined transactions towards cost management and benchmarking. Leveraging on data, we make tactical and strategic approaches to minimise cost within our defined performance levels. With planning and precision execution, we aim to achieve potential savings through strategic procurement, maintenance routine, dry dock preparation and optimal crewing strategy.

Transparent and Traceable

As a customer, you will have access to timely, accurate and detail financial transaction of your vessel OPEX. Our objective is to deliver full transparency in your vessel cost position, current and historical transactions through our web application. We embrace best practices and comply to the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3402.

Our Web-based Application Gives Customers Full Access to View Their Operating Costs:

Application interface:

  • Hourly updates
  • Drill-down functionality to view every invoice
  • Displays deviation between actual and budget costs
  • Ability to make comments or clarifications to each item of expense


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