White paper: Between a rock, and a hard place – Catalytic Fines in fuel
For many years, we have heard that Catalytic Fines are responsible for many of the wear issues that often occur in engines. The question is, does it really have to be like this? Learn more in this white paper.

Our white paper discusses the options currently available to better control the wear in engines and reduce the costs incurred by these tiny catalytic fines particles.
In this white paper you will learn:
- The impact of catalytic fines on bunker fuel quality and engines, and why it matters
- Why relying on onboard filtration systems alone is a risky business
- About recent fuel trends and the risks posed by catalytic fines associated with the upcoming 2020 global Sulphur limit
- The importance of condition monitoring and how you can benefit from fuel testing
- Our recommendations for taking preventive measures
The most serious damage caused by catalytic fines typically occurs at the worst time, in bad weather. In your bunker, settling and service fuel tanks, the catalytic fines tend to settle at the bottom of the tank over time.”
Contact Wilhelmsen

Jonas Östlund
Head of Product Management - Energy Solutions