Does your vessel meet the Ballast Water Discharge Standards?

Ballast Water Discharge Standards

What is it?

The Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention was implemented in 2017 to regulate ballast water discharge and reduce the risk of transferring invasive aquatic species into the sea. All ships were required to comply with the D-2 standard by September 2024.

What should you do?

Today, all ships in operation must manage their ballast water discharges according to a ship-specific ballast water management plan to comply with the discharge standards. Compliance with the regulation should begin with a holistic approach of selecting a type-approved Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) as a primary disinfection medium and the effective use of treatment chemicals to keep the ballast water tanks and system in control. Every detail matters when complying with the ballast water discharge standards. Our “Clean-Comply-Monitor” approach, which combines effective ballast water treatment can help you tackle potential operational issues and comply with the standards.

Invasive Species

Treat and remove


The loading of seawater into the ballast tanks over time results in the accumulation of mud, silt, and invasive species. If left untreated, the heavy sedimentation layer formed in the ballast tanks may significantly reduce the disinfection efficacy of the ballast water treatment, resulting in operational challenges. For ships using electro-chlorination systems, releasing chlorinated ballast water into the sea can negatively impact the marine ecosystem and risk facing non-compliance with the discharge standards.


Clean your ballast tanks regularly to prevent heavy sedimentation. Comply with the ballast water discharge standard by treating chlorinated water before discharge. Our range of Ballast Water Treatment chemicals can effectively remove any excess residual chlorine as well as mud, silt and biological organisms in the ballast water before discharge.

Electro-chlorination (EC) system

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Test and monitor


Ships usually send their treated ballast water samples to an onshore lab for certification to comply with the D-2 standard. The scenario a vessel manager would least hope for is receiving a non-compliance lab result due to high biological “off-spec” readings. If the lab report indicates non-compliance, the vessel manager will risk spending unnecessary resources and time to re-deploy the process again.


Monitor your ballast water by conducting biological sample tests during the voyage and before the next discharge. Our Ballast Water Test Kit range is designed to be used on the vessel for routine indicative and operational testing and used to supplement 3rd party laboratory verification analysis.


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Benefits of early compliance achieved with Wilhelmsen products

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