Governing elements
Achieving the right results, the right way is a core element of how we do business. By working in a consistent manner worldwide we will be able to navigate safely in a rapidly changing environment.
Board and management team
Board of directors
The board heads the company's strategic planning and makes decisions that form the basis for the administration's execution of the agreed strategy.
Group management team
The group management team (GMT) comprises top executives from Wilhelmsen. Their key role is to develop and align strategy, culture and competence across all the companies in the group.
Our governing elements
Code of conduct
The purpose of the code is to describe our business ethics standards. It applies to all our employees and others working with or for the group.
Supplier Code of Conduct
The Supplier Code of Conduct (“SCoC”) describes the standard of business ethics applicable for all suppliers in their business relationship with Wilhelmsen. Suppliers include any legal entity or person that provides products or services requested by Wilhelmsen.
Vision and values
Our vision and values link us together and strengthen our ability to develop innovative solutions that create value for our stakeholders.
Human Rights Commitment
We believe it is important to act as a role model for our industry and society at large. We are therefore committed to promote an ethical culture where our employees and business partners do the right things the right way.
Renumeration guidelines for senior executives
The renumeration guidelines for senior executives was approved by the annual general meeting on 27 April 2023.
Articles of association
Articles of Association of Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA
General meetings
General meetings
The general meeting is one of the Wilhelmsen group's governing bodies. All shareholders are entitled to participate at the meetings in open dialogue with representatives from the company.
Nomination committee
The nomination committee proposes candidates for election to the board and the nomination committee, and proposes remuneration of members of the board and the nomination committee.