Carl E Steen
Experience: Carl E Steen has extensive experience from shipping and banking, including head of shipping, oil services and the international division in Nordea bank. Before joining Nordea, he headed the shipping and international division in Christiania Bank and Kreditkassen ASA, he has also been the director in I.M. Skaugen ASA and was CEO of Printon AS.
Education: Holds a Master of Science in Industrial Management Engineering from E.T.H. in Zürich, Switzerland from 1975.
Current directorships: Elected board member at Golar LNG LTD, Himalaya Shipping LTD, and Belships AS.
Independent: Yes.
Current election period: Elected board chair for a two-year period on 27 April 2023. Board member since 25 April 2013.
Number of shares in Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA: Owns or controls 8 000 class A shares.
Other matters: Is a Norwegian citizen and resident in Norway.