About our report
The content of this report is defined by a materiality assessment conducted in 2016. As with everything we do, our governing elements lay the foundation and govern how we handle our business. This also applies when assessing our impact and will always be an important part when looking at how our work affects our stakeholders and the world in which we operate.
We are committed to deliver safe and sustainable solutions to the maritime industry. We continuously work to improve our environmental footprint, our efforts on compliance, to increase our employees’ health and safety, and contribute to the communities in which we operate.
This report covers activities in the calendar year 2017 and addresses areas we believe are of material importance to the Wilhelmsen group and our stakeholders. With this report, we aim at giving stakeholders who are interested in or affected by our activities more information about our approach to sustainability.
All figures in this report are related to the 2017 fiscal year. The information presented in this report is based on data obtained from different parts of the group and we strive to give correct and complete information. Nevertheless, some information will be based on estimates.

GRI Standards
This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. This is the fifth year that we report in accordance with the GRI and we have updated our GRI content index references to reflect the transition from GRI G4 reporting to the GRI standards. No external assurance has been undertaken.
Materiality assessment
One key element of the GRI standards is to find the aspects of our business that we believe have the most impact on the environment and the societies in which we operate. These aspects are identified through a materiality assessment, where the importance of different topics are ranked by us and our stakeholders, such as our board, global and central management team, employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, industry players and shareholders.
We are regularly in dialogue with key stakeholders who engage with issues relating to the maritime industry and the corporate activities of the Wilhelmsen group. The dialogue contributes to understanding the expectations of the community and transferring them to the group. It also enables us to communicate corporate decisions to stakeholders and provide them with explanations for our underlying motives.
Continuous improvements
In 2017, we revised our sustainability policy and requirements. The requirements are implemented in our strategies and business goals, advocated when representing Wilhelmsen on boards and used as requirements in mergers and acquisitions and investment decisions. In 2018, we will continue to build internal competence and robust reporting systems based on this policy.