
We are regularly in dialogue with key stakeholders who engage with issues relating to the maritime industry and the corporate activities of the Wilhelmsen group. The dialogue contributes to understanding the expectations of the community and transferring them to the group. It also enables us to communicate corporate decisions to stakeholders and provide them with explanations for our underlying motives.

In 2017, Wilhelmsen was engaged in dialogues with governments, investors, non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders discussing topics related to the group or industry at large. The main questions were related to financial and environmental issues, but there were also forums specifically addressing sustainability at large. Wilhelmsen or companies within the Wilhelmsen group are engaged in, amongst others, the International Maritime Organisation, BIMCO, Transparency International, TRACE, the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association and the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network.

The graphics below provide examples of how we involve stakeholders in important topics.

Stakeholder key topics

Stakeholders - channels and activities