A message from our group CEO
As a global, maritime industry player and with an ambition to be a shaper, we are obliged to take responsibility. We are encouraged by the potential we have to reduce the industry’s environmental footprint, promote responsible practice and ensure the industry develops sustainable solutions. We support the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) and in 2018, we will work to align core activities towards these goals as part of our sustainability strategy.
A bit of background
In 2017, we restructured our group and with it our direct control over the total global footprint of all our partly- and fully owned companies. As you can read in this report, we explain what is in scope and what is not, so we are in other words in a very different position today than we were a year ago when it comes to direct influence on our sustainability profile.
This change is exciting, because it forces us to turn stones and cast light on new areas of our group, where we can make an impact within sustainability. I believe we have enormous potential to contribute in the world; we have an unparalleled global network and thousands of eager employees who all can make a difference in how we as a company remain a sustainable business in the markets and regions in which we operate. Examples are how we look at diversity within the group, how we look at responsible supply chains, how we address compliance, how we minimise our carbon footprint globally. Through this report, we display our efforts and equally important, we set goals for the future.
I am particularly proud to mention the many innovative projects we have worked on in 2017, all who carry over to 2018 and beyond. Each project is not only good for our customers, our own competitive edge and ultimately gives us business to stay alive, but innovation also creates sustainable solutions for the global society where we see a huge potential in reduced emissions, increased safety and new jobs.
Goal setting
We are committed to continue our focused approach on anti-corruption, with training programmes and preventive actions in order for us to live up to the high ethical standards we have. We owe it to our employees to keep working hard on health and safety, while making sure all have a good work-life balance. We pursue high standards within supply chain and make sure we do business with the right partners. We care about the communities we operate in. Our environmental footprint is a constant focus.
Combined, our efforts are directed towards shaping the maritime industry, enable sustainable global trade and being a business that adheres to the UN goals because it simply means doing the right things the right way.