Ship Management launched an energy efficiency data application “Spark” for customers to optimize voyages and ship handling. They also completed data collection for managed vessels to comply with the EU MRV (Monitoring, reporting and verification) regulation and the IMO DCS (Data Collection System).
Plastics was in focus during the year with Ship Management initiating a joint industry initiative to reduce single use plastics on vessels and onshore; and our Ships Service manufacturing division mapping out initiatives to reduce plastic consumption and increase share of recycled (from a base of 5.000 tons of plastic used per annum).
NorSea has implemented gradually electrification of the machine park – including company pool cars. We installed an electric crane at our base in Tananger in 2019, and for 2020 6 new electric forklifts (12t and 16t) are in order. NorSea is granted funds from Enova to build an emission free supply base. The funds are used to map energy use on the base, and explore opportunities for conversion to zero-emission solutions, including measures to improve energy efficiency. The project shall develop solutions for zero emission supply bases with efficient and smart energy utilization with concept for energy sharing, storing and production with interaction between buildings, terminal equipment and various transport means.
Towards the end of the year, we completed an initial climate risk management assessment in accordance with the recommendations of the Task force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
In 2020, on an operational level , we will measure our GHG emissions and plastics footprint and define targets and activities based on this. On a strategic level we will work on three strategic focus areas: decarbonisation of shipping; renewable energy transition; and reducing marine litter and pollution.