Working with stakeholders
We are regularly in dialogue with key stakeholders who engage with issues relating to the maritime industry and the activities of the Wilhelmsen group. The dialogue contributes to understanding the expectations of the community and transferring them to the group. It also enables us to communicate decisions to stakeholders and provide them with explanations for our underlying motives.
During 2020, stakeholders’ interests were related to COVID-19 response, financial, compliance and anti-corruption, cyber security and resilience, innovation, sustainability in general and a heighted interest in activities related to the decarbonisation of shipping and the energy transition.
We continued our active and collaborative stakeholder engagement over the year through our memberships for example in the Green Shipping Program Norway, UN Global Compact Ocean Action Platform, and the Maritime Anti-corruption Network (MACN).
In 2021, we will continue to actively engage with stakeholders directly and through our membership platforms.
At the core, we meet evolving stakeholder demands by:
- partnering with our customers, suppliers and other serious actors to innovate around new sustainable solutions.
- working closely with customers, suppliers, partners, non-government organisations (NGOs), legislative authorities, and other stakeholders to develop active partnerships for broader change. We do this directly and through local and international associations.
- implementing recognised and transparent international standards and frameworks to support our work.
- proactively demonstrating our sustainability work to contribute to improved market practices and a level playing field for operations.
Our memberships and associations are listed below.
Initiative/principle/association | Details | Companies involved in Wilhelmsen group |
Dansk Industri (DI) | Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) is a private organisation funded, owned and managed entirely by 10,000 companies within manufacturing, trade and service industry. | NorSea Group Denmark |
Danske Speditører | Danish freight forwarders are an industry organization for a large number of member companies that plan and trade in transport and logistics services as a link between the trade and manufacturing sector and the transport industry. Danish freight forwarders are members of the Nordic Freight Forwarding Federation (NSF), FIATA and Dansk Erhverv. The Nordic Freight Forwarders Association carries out the interests of the Nordic organizations in the field of transport and distributes NSAB - General Provisions of the Nordic Freight Forwarder. | NorSea Group Denmark |
Digital Norway | A business-driven initiative to digitise Norwegian businesses. Develops arenas for sharing expertise and knowledge across companies and industries and provides concrete services for companies that want to speed up their own digitisation efforts. Works with digitalisation projects across companies and industries across the country. | Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA |
Green shipping programme (Norway) | The Green Shipping Programme aims to find scalable solutions for efficient and environmentally friendly shipping. The results will be cost-effective emission cuts, economic growth, increased competitiveness, and new jobs in Norway. Both authorities and industry actors participate in the programme and are working together to achieve these goals. | Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA |
International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) | ICS is the principal international trade association for merchant shipowners and operators, representing all sectors and trades and over 80% of the world merchant fleet. | Wilhelmsen Insurance Services |
International Hazmat Association (IHMA) | IHMA ensures high quality IHM preparations by setting good quality standards and filling gaps of the current practices and international guidelines. A global network of highly motivated and experienced IHM experts is ensuring that this goal will be achieved and shipowners as well as ship recyclers will receive what they are looking for, affordable IHMs providing clear and reliable information on hazardous materials on board. | Wilhelmsen Ship Management |
International Life-saving Appliance Manufacturers' Association (ILAMA) | ILAMA plays a significant role in the international maritime and offshore oil and gas safety scene. By sharing its members’ views, experience and technical papers, ILAMA ensures that regulatory bodies and the International Maritime Organisation are aware of their collective concerns. | Wilhelmsen Ships Service |
International Ship Recycling Association (ISRA) | ISRA is a platform for recyclers who have developed a quality standard based on requirements needed to protect environment and secure works safety during the recycling-process. | Wilhelmsen Ship Management |
ITD - Int. Transport Danmark | ITD is a private industry organization for the professional transport and logistics companies. They take care of the transport and logistics industry politically nationally and internationally. At the same time, they provide us with targeted tools that make a positive difference in the everyday life. | NorSea Group Denmark |
Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) | MACN is a global business network promoting good corporate practice in the maritime industry for tackling bribes, facilitation payments, and other forms of corruption. | Wilhelmsen Ships Service |
Maritim Forum for Stavanger | Strengthen and further develop regional and national competitive framework conditions for maritime operations. | NorSea Group (Maritime Logistic Services) |
Norwegian Shipowners’ Mutual War Risk Insurance Association (DNK) | The Association's purpose is to insure on a mutual basis, interests attached to vessels, drilling rigs and similar movable units against war risk. | Wilhelmsen Insurance Services |
The Association is open for membership by companies within the Norwegian Shipping Community. | ||
Ocean Industry Forum Oslofjord | The Ocean Industry Forum is a cooperation forum for key players from the various parts of the ocean-based industries in the region. The goal is to further strengthen the Oslofjord region and Norway's position as the place where the most innovative and profitable solutions and the highest standards for maritime quality are created and commercialised. | Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA |
Offshore Energy | Organisation for oil ang gas, wind industry within offshore in Denmark | NorSea Group Denmark |
Oil & Gas Denmark | Oil Gas Denmark is a trade organization for all companies in the upstream oil and gas production sector. This involves oil producing companies as well as partners, suppliers and service companies operating within exploration and production of oil and gas in Denmark. | NorSea Group Denmark |
The Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) | BIMCO is the world’s largest international shipping association, with 2,100 members in more than 120 countries. Our global membership includes shipowners, operators, managers, brokers and agents. The association’s main objective is to facilitate the commercial operations of its members by means of developing standard contracts and clauses, and providing quality information, advice, and education. BIMCO promotes fair business practices, free trade and open access to markets and is a strong advocate for the harmonisation and standardisation of all shipping related activity. | Wilhelmsen Ship Management; Wilhelmsen Insurance Services; NorSea Group (Maritime Logistic Services) |
The Norwegian Oil and Gas Association | The Norwegian Oil and Gas Association (Norwegian Oil and Gas) is a professional body and employer’s association for oil and supplier companies engaged in the field of exploration and production of oil and gas on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The Norwegian Oil and Gas Association works to solve common challenges for the members and to strengthen the competitiveness of the Shelf | NorSea Group |
The Norwegian Shipowners' Association | The Norwegian Shipowners' Association is an employer organization serving more than 160 companies in the field of Norwegian shipping and offshore contractor activities. The members are the core and driving force within the Norwegian maritime environment. The members of the Norwegian Shipowners' Association employ more than 55,000 seafarers and offshore workers from more than 50 different nations. | Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA; Wilhelmsen Insurance Service; Wilhelmsen Ship Management |
TRACE International | TRACE International is a non-profit business association that pools resources to provide members with anti-bribery compliance support. | Wilhelmsen Ship Management |
Transparency International Norway (TI) | Transparency International is a global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption. Through more than 100 chapters worldwide, TI raises awareness of the damaging effects of corruption and works with partners in governments, businesses and civil society to develop and implement effective measures to tackle it. | Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA |
UN Global Compact | A voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to take steps to support UN goals. | Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA |