Our purpose is to enable sustainable global trade and our vision is to shape the maritime industry. Our ability to do both is dependent on us addressing ESG risks and maximising opportunities. Our employees make this happen in collaboration with our customers and value chain partners.

Our environment, social and governance work

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    Our ambition is to shape the maritime industry’s transition towards net zero emissions and capitalise on green growth. In practice, we focus on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, biodiversity and ecosystems, circular economy, and green growth and decarbonisation.

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    Our ambition is to have an engaging and safe workplace with no harm to people where each employee is valued for their contribution. We conduct our businesses with respect for human rights and labour standards, including conventions and guidelines related to the prevention of child or forced labour, minimum wage and salary, working conditions, and freedom of association.

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    Our ambition is to be a responsible, trusted, and compliant value chain partner. To ensure we have sound governance of our group of companies, we have a robust governance and management system in place.


  • Melanie_Moore_2021_800pxl

    Melanie Moore

    Vice president ESG