Digi Boiler

Ensuring peace-of-mind in boiler water management with automated treatment.

The Digi Boiler venture is currently on hold. We have received tremendous accolades and interest from a wide range of stakeholders and positive feedback from the early pilots. Nevertheless, in the course of the venture we have learned that certain Maritime IoT features need further development in order to make the Digi Boiler venture truly scalable. This being the case, we have decided to freeze the venture for now pending greater traction in the IoT space of the maritime industry. If this is a venture that continues to be of interest to you either as part of a bigger IoT play or as part of a particular industry engagement please do feel free to reach out to rune.nygaard@wilhelmsen.com or nakul.malhotra@wilhelmsen.com. We would be very happy to hear from you.

Routine boiler water treatment should be an integral part of vessel operations. Yet, every year more than 1 in 10 boilers have a failure, costing in average 100.000 USD in repairs, in addition to off-hire cost. Investigations show that the majority of boiler failures can be related back to insufficient water treatment, because of either crew’s limited available time, or knowledge.

We have now removed this burden from time stretched crews by automating boiler water treatment and management. 

Delivering complete transparency with live data sent to the cloud for on shore review and support, Digi Boiler gives your peace-of-mind and full control of your boiler water's condition.

The world’s first Type Approved automatic dosing solution for boiler water. The system, the technology, and the methodology has undergone strict evaluations by DNV GL. The certificate: https://approvalfinder.dnvgl.com/#approval/TAA00002KZ

We also discovered for our customers to gain the most benefits of the solution, we needed to expand our scope of work with DNV GL to also enable the solution to help vessels be ready for DNV GL’s BMON program. This is a boiler maintenance program that optimizes the protection and inspections of the marine boiler. The result was that DNV GL developed an even better program that will only be applicable for vessels using a Type Approved solution for boiler water management in combination with an approved service supplier. The result of the work is that Wilhelmsen has now been awarded the Approval of Service Supplier certificate. https://approvalfinder.dnvgl.com/#approval/AOSS0000H15

When combining all the above, you have a Type Approved solution that transforms asset protection from manual to automated. The difference is shifting from a crew member manually testing and treating the varying conditions of the boiler water, to an automated system that tests and treats the boiler water around the clock. In addition, onshore personnel have direct access to all the data for monitoring, support, and peace of mind. When utilizing the full Wilhelmsen offer, you are able to also benefit from Approved Service Suppliers services, that includes monitoring and support and monthly reporting. 


Press releases on Digi Boiler