Navigating Through New Mooring Guidelines

OCIMF has issued a new mooring equipment guideline, establishing new generic terminology, together with new test methods and rope management recommendations. Wilhelmsen Ships Service provides technical rope expertise and MEG4 certificates for Timm ropes, following recommendations from the fourth edition of the OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines.


Fourth edition of the OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guideline 

The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) has published the fourth edition of the Mooring Equipment Guidelines (MEG). These guidelines are considered as the state-of-the-art mooring guidelines that exist. Since the previous edition of MEG was released, there has been an increased focus on safe mooring, grown in correlation with the size and complexity of new, modern vessels. OCIMF MEG4 gives an insight into mooring from start to end, covering the full mooring operations and the rope's life time – providing mooring guidelines for safe mooring operations. 

What is new? 

Mooring ropes are affected by many forces such as wind, current, tides, waves, swell, loading conditions, and interactions from other ships. If the mooring ropes are not used in accordance with the forces working on the lines, it can be a dangerous hazard for the crew working onboard the vessel, but also those standing on the quayside. 

The new OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines is now released in its fourth edition, and it is clarifying many of the confusions about mooring that were established in the industry. With new certificate templates and test methods, a uniform way of working with mooring ropes has been established across the industry. 

Rope Management Tools 

OCIMF MEG4 is establishing a foundation for a long-wanted system for rope management support tools. MEG4 gives a guidance on developing a Line Management Plan, which includes records or mooring hours, inspection records and plans, retirement criteria, reports, and manufacturer’s recommendations for the rope products. The Line Management Plan is a part of the Mooring System Management Plan, which will ensure that the mooring system is inspected, maintained and operated in accordance with the original mooring design basis of the vessel. 


On this page, we have collected our manufacturer recommendations according to the new OCIMF MEG4. If you have any enquiries with regards to OCIMF MEG4, please feel free to contact us.

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    TAC and OCIMF Certificate Flyer

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  • Ropes Cover Picture



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  • Boss link

