
Nakul joins Norway Asia panel

Nakul Malhotra, Vice President, Technical Solutions & Marketing, Marine Products will be speaking at the seventh annual Norway Asia business summit.

威尔森观察 |
Nakul Malhotra, Marine Products - Vice President Open Innovation


Taking place at the Fullerton Hotel, Singapore, 16-18 April, the summit is supported by the Norwegian government and the diplomatic missions across Asia, with the aim to create and further develop relations between Norwegian and Asian businesses and their partners.

Shipping, offshore, energy and new technologies are the main topics of the event and the summit will focus on how rapid digitalisation and transformation processes will impact the industries and business environment in which the Norwegian companies in Singapore are operating.     

Speaking as part of the Digital Transformation of the Maritime Industry panel discussion, Nakul will be highlighting why companies wanting to adopt a digital culture need more than just new technology.

Hosted by TradeWinds Editor-in-Chief, Julian Bray, Nakul will be joined onstage by Ms Elisabeth Tørstad, Chief Executive Officer Digital Solutions, DNV GL and Mr Kenneth Lim, Chief Technology Officer, at the Singapore Maritime Port Authority to name just two members of the illustrious industry panel.

Guaranteed to be an insightful, interesting and lively discussion, ahead of the event here is the second part of our interview with Nakul, where he discusses what he believes will separate digitalisation’s winners and losers.   

For more information on the Norway Asia Business Summit 2018, visit the official site.