
Procurement during transition to IMO2020

With the IMO2020 kicking in, WSM recommends reviewing your procurement strategy to better support the transition process.
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威尔森观察 |
John Beck, Vice President - Global Procurement Services

For owners opting to use compliant fuel, WSM recommends the following considerations when reviewing your procurement strategy for continuous vessel operations. 

Choosing the right fuel testing laboratory

Since charterers generally supply the fuel, owners do not always have full control over the sources or quality of the fuel. However, owners can influence the outcome of the situation significantly by having a competent and responsive fuel quality testing laboratory to ensure that the fuel used is fit for purpose. 


Act on your engine makers advice now 

Engine makers may recommend changing parts, especially piston rings, for use with compliant fuel. With tight sailing schedules and increasing demand in 2019 for new parts, action should be taken now to ensure that your engines are fully prepared. Be warned – lead times for replacement parts will increase, the closer we get to 2020!


Securing enough spares

Owners should also stock sufficient spares on board in the event of breakdowns as demand might outstrip supply whilst the industry is re-adjusting to this change.

Engine manufacturers will experience very high demand for these replacement parts in the coming months. Manufacturers and their sub-suppliers have finite production capacity and orders will therefore be prioritized on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Our advice is to order your replacement and spare parts early to avoid delays!

WSM is determined to keep our managed vessels in line with new international environmental requirements while maintaining safe operations.

Contact us to understand the options for sailing in compliance.

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Disclaimer : While care has been taken to ensure the information in this publication is accurate, this is a general guide and not intended to be relied on for any specific purpose. Wilhelmsen Ship Management Holding Limited and its subsidiaries cannot be held responsible for any errors or consequences arising therefrom. If you would like to reproduce any part of this publication, please seek our prior approval.