
Scrubber operations

How to manage the challenges

威尔森观察 |
Jon Helge Ulstein, Vessel Manager

Operating scrubbers come with it’s own challenges. Like any other systems, scrubbers need to be maintained and operated according to maker specifications. This is all within day-to-day ship operations when you have the right processes and management.

We have prepared useful slides highlighting a few key challenges when operating scrubbers. Included within are:

  • Common problems encountered during sludge handling where some ports are unfamiliar with the EU Waste Directive
  • Differences of sulfur requirements by geography 
  • Acceptable scrubber-types at ports due to the local wash water regulations
  • Possible malfunction of monitoring equipment
  • Scrubber water testing
  • Calibration schedule and roles segregation
  • Training for equipment
  • Caustic soda handling

Download this presentation to for our recommended solutions for the challenges above.

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