
A Legacy of Excellence Revived: Barber Ship Management's Voyage into the Future

Reviving the "Barber" brand in the world of tanker ship management is no stroll in the park. This task now rests on the shoulders of Roine Alquist, the CEO of Barber Ship Management. He candidly shares the unvarnished truth about his journey so far.

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Wilhelmsen Ship Management

In the maritime world, seizing new opportunities is part of the journey. Recently, Barber Ship Management stepped onto the stage as the new tanker ship management arm of Wilhelmsen Ship Management. Roine Alquist took over the helm as CEO of a new yet old ship management company, Barber Ship Management. Barber is a joint venture between Wilhelmsen Ship Management and MPC Capital. The brand name “Barber” is not new to many veterans in the shipping industry. It belongs to the former name of Wilhelmsen Ship Management. The rationale of bringing back this old brand name has a deeper meaning - to revive the mark of excellence in ship management.

We had the privilege with Roine to discuss the challenges they've faced, their vision for the future, and what makes them the ideal choice for your ship management needs.

Question: Roine, can you tell us about the significance of resurrecting the brand name "Barber" in the maritime industry?

Roine: Certainly. The Barber name carries with it a legacy of excellence and commitment to the highest standards in ship management. By bringing back this trusted brand, we're not only paying homage to our heritage but also making a bold statement - that we are dedicated to upholding the same level of excellence that Barber represents.

Roine Alquist

Question: Assuming leadership of a “new” ship management company is a substantial undertaking. What motivated you to lead Barber Ship Management, and what challenges have you faced thus far?

Roine: My motivation is deeply rooted in my passion for the maritime industry and my belief in the potential for innovation and excellence. Leading Barber Ship Management is a privilege and a challenge. One notable challenge has been establishing trust as a newcomer. Nevertheless, we've remained focused on principles of transparency, safety, commercial value creation for the clients, operational excellence and sustainability, which have guided us through the initial phases of our journey.

Question: Safety is paramount in tanker management. How does Barber Ship Management address these critical aspects?

Roine: Safety is the bedrock of our operations at Barber Ship Management. We've taken a robust approach to ensure that safety is a fundamental part of our culture. One of our key strengths is that Barber's operation is built on the solid foundation of the Wilhelmsen platform, leveraging nearly five decades of proven processes and systems in Ship Management. This access allows us to tap into a wealth of experience and best practices in ensuring the safety of our operations.

Additionally, Barber Ship Management benefits from the support of Wilhelmsen's established shared service center. This collaboration ensures a streamlined and consistent support experience across our entire fleet. Safety is not just a commitment in words; it's deeply embedded in our operational DNA. Our goal is to provide our clients with the peace of mind that their vessels are managed with the utmost care and diligence. Safety is non-negotiable, and it's a promise we uphold at every stage of our operations.

Question: What sets Barber Ship Management apart from other tanker management companies in the industry?

Roine: Our commitment to manage the ships as if they were our own with an asset management perspective and all the commercial and operational benefits that come with that approach layered with first class personalized service is our distinguishing factor. We recognize that each client possesses unique needs, and we tailor our solutions accordingly. Backed by the Wilhelmsen group, the maritime powerhouse with the largest maritime network, our global reach to other geographical areas is second to none.

Question: What's your vision for Barber Ship Management's future in the maritime industry?

Roine: Our vision is clear - we want to be recognized as a leader in the maritime world, known for innovation, excellence, and an unwavering dedication to our clients. We aspire to do more than just pure technical management and take further responsibilities in the front end of commercial operations to support our clients core business of commercially operating their ships for profit. We are furthermore driven to deliver positive change in the tanker industry through collaboration, pushing the boundaries of sustainability, and delivering unparalleled customer satisfaction.

Question: In conclusion, why should clients choose to do business with Barber Ship Management?

Roine: We're not just a new face in the industry; we're a symbol of dedication and excellence. Give us the opportunity to prove ourselves, and we will not disappoint you. When you choose Barber Ship Management, you're selecting a partner dedicated to your fleet’s success, safety, and sustainability. We understand the many opportunities, challenges, and complexities of this industry, and we're here to provide a service and solutions that truly make a difference. At Barber we do what we say always!