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    air tools safety

    Top 10 Tips For Using Air Tools Onboard Safely

    Air tools are vital to maintenance operations on board a vessel. However, they can be dangerous – and considering how often we use them, it is all the more important to ensure that we exercise safety precautions. Check out these top 10 tips on using these

  • 威尔森观察 |

    IMO 2020 - Do we really know what are we getting ourselves into?

    believe it is essential that as an industry we address our environmental impact. But when it comes to the practical realities of meeting the IMO 2020 regulations, are we really that confident that we’re ready? Putting aside ongoing concerns on price and availability

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    Don't Forget the Filters!

    In the midst of making big IMO 2020 decisions, it is quite easy to overlook fuel filters. Filter blockages can result in time consuming manual cleaning for crew and damage to filter parts. Unitor UDF ultrasonic cleaner When it comes to IMO 2020, there have

  • 威尔森观察 | Updated
    Cybersecurity listing

    Building that cyber safety net in Wilhelmsen Ship Management

    Looking at Industrial Revolution 4.0 where electronic systems including unmanned vehicles, augmented reality, the Internet of Things (IoT), sensor technology, geo-spatial technology and artificial intelligence, the biggest threat to this advancement is cyber

  • 威尔森观察 | Updated
    dark sea

    Being prepared for increased threats at sea

    Maritime security will continue to remain in focus in 2020 in consideration of the increasing threat of West Africa Piracy, concerns to shipping in the Straits of Hormuz and Arabian Gulf due to tensions between US-Iran, and random piracy activity spikes in

  • 威尔森观察 | Updated
    Mental health banner

    Mind over machoism: Wilhelmsen Ship Management's mental health awareness campaign on board

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management (WSM) pays attention to our seafarers’ mental health and wellbeing as part of the ongoing hazard watch campaign on board. Mental breakdowns could happen to seafarers especially in conditions where they work in isolation at sea.

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    A different kind of reality for the maritime industry

    outside the shipping industry rarely appreciate the inherent challenges we face in ensuring that American designed shoes, manufactured in Vietnam, are always in stock and on shelves in Hong Kong sneaker stores day in and day out. Or that German cars are sat in

  • 威尔森观察 | Updated
    Tanker on fire 2 - AP news

    Keeping a watchful eye when trading through strait of Hormuz

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management shares the measures taken to safeguard owners and crew interest. Since the Fujairah attacks, we have increased our measures to safeguard our owners and crew interest. Everyone is encouraged to heighten their situation awareness to

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