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China: LNG trucks
With the National “VI Emissions Standard (Phase 1)” coming into effect in China as of the 1st April, Chinese truck manufacturers do not seem to be slowing down with their LNG revolution! All the top 7 tuck manufacturers are building LNG powered trucks at never
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EU F-gas Regulation: What it means for the Maritime Industry
Due to the current state of global warming, the F-Gas Regulation was enacted to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. This article will examine the rules of this regulation and how ship-owners can abide by it. Introduction Fluorinated
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Smarter Sewage Treatment with Probiotic Cleaners
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by sewage were laid down in Annex IV of MARPOL. This article will explore the features of probiotic cleaners, their uses and how they aid the treatment of waste aboard ships. Introduction Annex IV of MARPOL sets
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China: Hunger for Cleaner Energy
China's drive for cleaner energy has pushed for an increase in the number of LNG terminals. With the shift from coal to LNG use, China has experienced greater cost-savings. China’s Desire for LNG Outside of China, the hunger for cleaner power generation may
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Data automation to deliver greater customer experience
The journey to an ideal world of efficiency begins with small steps. Wilhelmsen Ship Management (WSM)’s incremental step towards operational efficiency through data automation. Operational efficiency is the fundamental pillar of our business strategy. We
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Lifespan of Ropes
Determining the exact lifespan of a rope can be difficult, as there are numerous factors that can influence how long a rope can be used on board a vessel. In this article, the factors that affect a rope's service life and actions you can take to prolong the rope's
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LNG Spot Cargoes - A new normal
Since 2007, the LNG trade has evolved from being traditionally delivered under long-term, fixed destination contracts to a point of where we are today, with a growing number of cargoes being sold under shorter contracts or on the spot market. A new normal In
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Trade Wars, US –vs- China: What does it mean for LNG
With China’s imposition of a 10% tariff on U.S. LNG, the move is now a major setback for the growing energy relationship that was on track to become a boom for both economies. A tale of two tribes The song lyrics from ‘Two Tribes’ is apt when examining the