BASSnet Course (BNET)

A computer-based system for planning and reporting maintenance and performing material administration & stock purchasing. An efficient system for reporting operational deviations and experiences as well as corrective measures.
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Course Duration: 2 days

Suggest Target Groups: All Management & Operational level officers serving onboard, where the system is implemented

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BASSnet is a computer-based system for Planning & Reporting Maintenance, and performing Material Administration & Stock Purchasing.  The BASSnet covers most of the functionality needed for onboard information system, covering operations for Maintenance & Material Management.  Operational deviations & experiences as well as corrective measure can be reported & logged in the system.  Additionally it also supports operations related to updates on vessel particulars, cerficates, voyage management & maintains various navigation & engine logs.

Course Objective: Upon completion of this course, the participant should be able to:

  • Understand BASSnet modules and structures
  • Understand functional classification of processes onboard
  • Use BASSnet for work planning, scheduling, inventory updates and ordering spare parts
  • Apply techniques to complete tasks and responsibilities

Course Duration: 2 days

Suggest Target Groups: All Management & Operational level officers serving onboard, where the system is implemented.

Course Contents: 

  • BASSnet background, status and future plans
  • Operations - Vessel Particulars & Managing Vessel's Certificates
  • Maintenance 

        * Components - Sub-Components

        * Materials (Spare Parts, Consumables, Provisions, Services, Tools, Free Items) 

        * Maintenance (workflow) and Material transactions / Inventory.

  • Procurement (workflow)
  • Document Manager (adding, connecting and replicating documents)
  • Administration (Various Registers, Creating new user / role, Report Generation etc.)
  • Tasks and Alerts and its functionality
  • Replication - Concept and overview