Maritime Resource Management (MRM)

Safety of life and property at sea, protection of the marine environment, and efficiency of Vessel operations, are the common goals shared by all Vessel owners and operators.
Course | Updated

Against this backdrop, an appreciation of the ‘Human Elements’ and performance of effective leadership are critical success factors.

The Course augments the basic concepts of human resource management with an in-depth understanding of the ‘Human Factors’ for developing leadership skills.
While presentations, discussions and case-studies explore the resource management concepts.

The Course is intended to serve as a catalyst for behavioural and attitudinal changes required for effective leadership and building a strong ‘safety culture’.

The Course fulfills the training requirements for competencies stated in STCW 2010 (Manila amendments) as follows :

  • Table A-II/1, A-III/1, & A-III/6 : “Application of Leadership and Team-working Skills”
  • Table A II/2 & A/III 2 – “Use of Leadership and Managerial Skill”

Course Objectives:

To enhance Leadership skills of the participants by :

  • Providing an understanding of human factors and their impact on performance in the work environment.
  • Increasing the effectiveness of resource management practices for enhancing Vessel safety, efficiency, and environment protection.
  • Enabling behavioural changes as necessary for developing positive attitudes towards the safe and efficient operation of Vessels.

Duration: Three days (21 Hrs.)

Suggested Target Group:

All Management and Operational level staff on board, who have preferably attended BRM/ERM/MRM Courses, and Operations Managers ashore.

Course Contents:

  • Introduction to MRM
  • Situational Awareness, Human-Machine Interface
  • Culture management ; Conflict management
  • Stress and Fatigue management
  • Effective communication in the workplace
  • Team-work and Team-building
  • Leadership, Emotional competence, and Motivation
  • Crises management ; Human behaviour in crises
  • Case-Studies – analysis and synthesis

“This course is not approved by Director-General of Shipping, Mumbai”.