Risk Management and Incident investigation Course (RMII)
An accurate risk assessment serves as a dependable decision support system, by which the ship’s staff can handle hazardous situations with greater safety. A formal risk management approach is the demand of the shipping industry for safe-guarding human life, the marine environment, the vessel and its cargo.
This Course deals with the concepts of risk management, and practical methods of applying these concepts on board in day-to-day operational situations. Use is made of the risk-matrix methodology, and the application of Company-specific risk management procedure is practiced through especially designed exercises.
As an improvement process, the value of a reactive approach to safety is highlighted by the inclusion of Accident / Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis in this Course. The ILCI Loss Causation Model and the Causal Factor Charting method are explained and used as the basis for classroom exercises and case-studies analysis.
Course Objectives:
- To understand the concepts of risk management, as applicable to shipboard operations.
- To develop a risk management approach and enable application of the concepts in real-life situations, using the Company’s Risk Management procedures and the relevant documentation
- To apply Accident / Incident investigation and the Root Cause Analysis techniques using the Loss Causation model and Causal Factor Charting method, for improving the risk management processes
Duration: 13 Hrs (6.5 Hrs x 2 days)
Suggested Target Group: All Management and Operational level staff on board.
Course Contents:
- Understanding of concept of Risk
- The Risk Management Process : Hazard Identification ; Risk Analysis ; Risk Control and Mitigation
- Exercise on Risk Analysis / Assessment and Risk Control Measures
- Workshop on Company-specific procedures for Risk Assessment
- Accident / Incident Investigation – Process / Guidelines / Exercise
- Root Cause Analysis – Accident Theories and their application ; use of ILCI Loss
- Causation Model and the Causal Factor Charting method.
- Case Studies / Exercise on Root Cause Analysis
“This course is not approved by Director-General of Shipping, Mumbai”.