bulk carrier safety1

Bulk Carriers Safety

Bulk carriers are the work horses of the merchant fleet and carry all kind of bulk cargoes.
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Bulk carrier operators must be aware of the specific safety concerns related to this type of ship. Loading of cargo must be done carefully, to ensure cargo cannot shift during a voyage leading to stability problems. Large hatch covers must be watertight and secure.

Following a spate of losses of bulk carriers in the early 1990s, IMO in November 1997 adopted new regulations in SOLAS.

The International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code), and amendments to SOLAS chapter VI to make the Code mandatory, were adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), 85th session, in 2008.

In recent years IMO adopted new regulations in SOLAS containing specific safety requirements for bulk carriers. This course covers the IMO STCW A-II/I and A-II/2 training requirements on safe handling and stowage of bulk cargoes. The course also covers topics on structural safety, precautions and care of different bulk cargo, familiarization of IMSBC, hatch cover maintenance and Rightship.  


  • Be able to safely load, unload bulk cargoes.
  • Inspect & identify local failures in hull structure.
  • Hatch cover maintenance
  • Familiarization with IMSBC

Duration: 1 day (6 hours)

Target Group:  All Management and Operational level shipboard staff involved in the handling, carriage of bulk cargoes including maintenance & inspection on a bulk carrier.  

Course Content:

  • Introduction to Bulk carrier
  • Bulk carrier structure
  • Typical Bulk cargo – Safe carriage & precautions
  • Familiarization of IMSBC
  • Hatch Cover inspection & maintenance
  • Rightships  

“This course is not approved by Director-General of Shipping, Mumbai”.