SIGGTO compliant Liquified Cargo Handling Simulator – LNG tanker
SIGGTO compliant Liquified Cargo Handling Simulator – LNG tanker:
Main aspects of the planning and execution of operations and the solving of problems that may arise can be demonstrated and practiced in the safe environment of the simulator.
Course Objective: The aim of this course is to ensure that mariners are trained and prepared to respond safely and efficiently for controlling the cargo handling and other operations on LNG carriers, required in today’s Tanker trade. It helps in developing a better understanding of the basic operation in LNG carriers with the help of lectures and simulator practice. It gives the participants “hands-on” training and builds their confidence in handling cargo operations and troubleshooting during work in LNG carriers.
Duration of the online course: 5 days.
Suggested Target Group: Officers involved in LNG Cargo operations.
Course Contents:
- To develop better understanding of basic operation of LNG carriers
- To handle the operations in safe manner, using simulator
- Preloading
- Loading cargo on a membrane type LNG carrier.
- Pre discharging
- Boil off gas management during various stages of the voyage.
- Ballasting
- De-Ballasting
- Dry dock to dry dock operation cycle
- Cargo Calculations
- Pump theory and Operations
- LNG Tanker Hazards (Over-pressurization, Overfilling, Subzero temperatures)
- Gas measurement
This course complies with the requirements of the SIGTTO LNG Shipping Suggested Competency Standards 2021 and is approved by DNV.
“This course is not approved by Director-General of Shipping, Mumbai”.