
Ship Handling Simulator (SHS)

Manoeuvring a ship is an art which when coupled with scientific principles leads to a complete mastery of the subject.
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An incorrect understanding of the various factors affecting Ship Handling can lead to serious accidents and unnecessary claims. Every ship behaves differently under different conditions of weather, depth and load/ballast condition, etc.

Many a times an officer learns ship handling while on the job, thus handling ships without clearly understanding the subject.

At IMTC, we intend to build up on the core concepts of ship handling, through first understanding the theory of ship handling and then applying this knowledge gained by trying out different situations on the Simulator.

The simulator exercises are generally ship type specific, thus giving the participant a good idea of ship behavior on a particular type of vessel. 

To achieve these objectives a state-of-art Kongsberg 'K-SIM Polaris' Full-Mission Ship's Bridge Simulator is used. The Simulator is equipped with various ship models, which replicate the manoeuvring characteristics of the ships. Every participant is given the opportunity to carry out the exercise independently in order to gain practical experience of ship handling.  

Shipping companies will find this course helpful in giving invaluable knowledge and confidence to their staff before serving on a particular type of vessel. We try and ensure that the participant gets the experience on the simulator for a particular ship type quite close and similar to the one he is expected to serve on.


Participants will use a full-mission ship manoeuvring simulator to:

  • Enhance their understanding of the effects on the behavior of the ship, of wind, current, shallow waters, condition of loading, etc and apply the knowledge gained, for correct use of engines, helm and other available resources.
  • Practice and appreciate the various aspects ship manoeuvring by carrying out exercises such as anchoring, departing from a congested anchorage, navigating through a narrow buoyed channel with wind, current and in shallow water, use of tugs/bow thrusters for berthing and unberthing.

Duration: 3 days

Number of Participants: 3

Target Group: Masters and Chief Officers

Course Content:

The Course is conducted using a Kongsberg 'K-SIM Poluris'full-mission
Ship's Bridge Simulator. Thefotlowing topics and simalator exercises wete
covered durins the course.

  • Theory of Ship Handling
  • Theory: Effect of wind, current and shallow water
  • Slalom
  • Departure Anchorage and Crossing TSS
  • Arrival Pilot Station & Anchoring
  • Navigation through a narrow channel with wind & current
  • Berthing and Un-berthing, with turning

“This course is not approved by Director-General of Shipping, Mumbai”.