Gas and Arc Welding Familiarisation Workshop (HTW1)

This course is designed for Marine Engineers to familiarize them with the relevant safety precautions to be observed, the requisite knowledge of the various welding equipment and processes and also the practical skill to execute the job.
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In existing times of reduced manning on board vessels, with increasing challenges to maintain all equipment and under tight schedules, it is crucial that the Marine Engineer be equipped with the requisite hotwork skills to be able to carry out safe, efficient and quick repair and maintenance of cracked, damaged or leaking plates and pipes.

This course is designed for Marine Engineers to familiarize them with the relevant safety precautions to be observed, the requisite knowledge of the various welding equipment and processes and also the practical skill to execute the job.

Each participant would have a welding station assigned to him for the practical sessions during the course.

The IMTC – UNITOR Welding School has been set up in collaboration with Wilhelmsen Ships Service and the courses are UNITOR approved. The faculty, expert welders and instructors in their own right, have undergone training with Wilhelmsen Ships Service welding specialists, to further enhance their abilities.

Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the participant will

  • Be able to recognize the dangers and observe the relevant safety precautions while performing / supervising hotwork.
  • Understand the differences and working principles of the various welding equipment on board.
  • Acquire the knowledge of correct welding rod selection and parameter settings based on the material to be welded.
  • Acquire the skill to make acceptable weld joints on mild steel plates and pipes with both, gas and arc welding

Course Duration: 5 days

Suggested target group: All Marine Engineers, Engine / Deck Cadets and any other rank as per clients requirement

Course contents:

  • Safety precautions in gas and arc welding
  • Introduction to gas and arc welding equipment and accessories
  • Introduction to gas and arc welding processes
  • Selection, care, storage and handling of electrodes / filler rods and other hotwork equipment
  • Various welding techniques
  • Various defects in welding – how to recognize them, causes and remedies
  • Extensive hands on practical exercises in electric and gas welding / brazing of plates and pipes
  • Hands on practical exercises in electric arc gouging and gas cutting.

“This course is not approved by Director-General of Shipping, Mumbai”.