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Showing 211-220 of 1702 search results
  • 威尔森观察 |
    Caricature crew of the future

    Building crew of the future

    Having state-of-the-art installations are good. Having competent crew who know how to handle them even better. Shipping has been evolving faster in the recent decade than ever before as more digital applications and equipment are being installed in ships to

  • 威尔森观察 |
    Reacrtivation - listing image

    Getting your vessel out from the cold

    Reactivating your LNG vessel to seaworthy conditions Globally, environmental policymakers are playing a part in driving demand for natural gas as it is a proven clean fuel.  Prime time for reactivation If you are an LNG player and ready to reactivate your vessels

  • 威尔森观察 |
    EU MRV listing image

    Transitioning into EU MRV

    WSM believes data integrity is the key to EU MRV compliance. The EU MRV regulation entered into force on 1 July 2015 as part of the European Commission (EC)’s effort to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from international shipping within the European Union

  • News |

    Seafarers Day

    Our seafarers matter For the Day of the Seafarer, we met with our own crew to find out what matters to them when they are on board. Besides the usual work, we got to know them on a more personal level and asked them to reveal some of their favourites while

  • Press release |
    GPO Grace

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management adds the world’s most advanced heavy lift vessel to their managed fleet

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management (WSM) claims another advanced asset type in their portfolio of high-end segments. WSM has been nominated as the ship manager for MV GPO Grace, GPO Heavylift’s purpose-built semisubmersible vessel. The process of securing the second

  • Press release |

    Enhancing Ship Management with Big Data

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management (WSM) aims to deliver unparalleled customer experience by continuously developing our digital solutions. Even before Digital Shipping became a buzz word, WSM has been deploying various digital reporting systems onboard as part of

  • 威尔森观察 |
    Big Data Listing Image

    Ship Management chews on the digital shipping pie

    Digital Shipping is the buzz word many has coined for the future of shipping. At Wilhelmsen Ship Management, we are already having a piece of that future since the turn of the new millennium. Being an early adopter more than a decade ago, we deployed various

  • 威尔森观察 |
    Vigilant_listing image

    Being prepared for risky waters

    An alarming extension of South East Asia piracy is evident by recent piracy incidents reported off Sabah, Sarawak & in the Sulu Sea – Celebes Sea. Reports estimated in the last twelve months, 58 seafarers were kidnapped in this region in 13 incidents by pirate

  • 威尔森观察 |

    Ballast Water Management Enters into Force: Are you well prepared?

    2017 is the year when ship owners are pressed to make a decision on their BWMS. Still, ship owners are unwilling to decide on ballast water treatment systems until the standards are finalized. Before that, we need to look into some history and the concern

  • Press release |

    Inaugural WSM Seminar in Singapore

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management (WSM) kicks off the year with its first seminar at the Norwegian Ambassador’s Residence on 9 March 2017. Themed "Addressing the Changing Landscape of Shipping", WSM plans to host similar events throughout the year in selected countries




  • MINIMIX 34 O2 2% IN 98% N2

  • MINIMIX 34  O2 19% IN 81% N2

  • MINIMIX 34 PROPANE(C3H8) 50% LEL IN AIR (1.05% VOL.)

  • MINIMIX 34 O2 5% IN 95% N2


  • MINIMIX 34 O2 1% IN 99% N2

  • MINIMIX 34 BUTANE(C4H10) 50% LEL IN AIR (0.9% VOL.)