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Showing 61-70 of 1578 search results
  • News | (Updated )
    WM1-2019 Read

    WManager 1-2019

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management's in-house magazine WManager, WSM's magazine for customers, crew, and supporters, provides you the most recent developments and updates within the company. The magazine also delivers industrial insights and recommends best practices

  • 威尔森观察 |
    800x450 trade wars 2

    Trade Wars, US –vs- China: What does it mean for LNG

    With China’s imposition of a 10% tariff on U.S. LNG, the move is now a major setback for the growing energy relationship that was on track to become a boom for both economies. A tale of two tribes The song lyrics from ‘Two Tribes’ is apt when examining the

  • 威尔森观察 |
    800x450 FSRU headline

    FSRUs: Not a passing phase anymore!

    As the demand for LNG gains momentum and countries with the appropriate environment are pressured in the right way to deliver their promise of cleaner energy, using FSRUs is the next step forward. Why use an FSRU? This concept was first brought to life in

  • Marine Engineering Faculty Required

    MARINE ENGINEERING FACULTY REQUIRED AT IMTC Position: Training Superintendent   If you are a holder of a Class 1 (MOTOR) COC and have a strong drive towards academic development, then IMTC invites you to apply for the position of Training Superintendent.

  • Marine Electrical Training Faculty

    MARINE ELECTRICAL TRAINING FACULTY REQUIRED AT IMTC Position: Training Superintendent If you are a holder of an ETO COC and have a strong drive towards academic development, then IMTC invites you to apply for the position of Training Superintendent. Good

  • News |
    WM2-2018 Cover_listing

    WManager 2-2018

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management's in-house magazine WManager, WSM's magazine for customers, crew, and supporters, provides you the most recent developments and updates within the company. The magazine also delivers industrial insights and recommends best practices

  • Updated


    我们的课程已通过国 际标准认证。请参阅我们的教师概述和资格列表。 我们的培训中 心是通过DNV 国际标准质量认证的“海事培 训中心”。

  • Updated
    IMTC Reception


    国 际海事 培训中 心(IMTC)是一所荣获A1级认可的海事培 训中心 国际海 事培训 中心(IMTC)最近根据航运总局(DGS)的综合审核计划(CIP)指引,即2014DGS23号令,进行了一项审核。通过该审核,IMTC荣获了为期三年的A1级(卓越)证书。   DNV-GL是船舶总局的认可组织(RO),代表DGS进行了该项审核。该审核调查包括:IMTC的教室、研讨会、实验室、教材、图书馆、等。课程开发材料和新推出的DGS认可电子技术官员衔接课程均通过了全面的审核。 此外,其一名审核员还参加了其一项IMTC

  • 威尔森观察 |
    dennis thumbnail

    Ask the Expert - What are the key factors to safer welding?

    Constantly striving for safer welding can be challenging. Here's how you can use digital tools and streamlined processes to overcome your challenges efficiently and effectively. dennis vimeo video What challenges are common when committing to safer welding

  • Article | Updated
    Test tube oil

    White paper: Between a rock, and a hard place – Catalytic Fines in fuel

    For many years, we have heard that Catalytic Fines are responsible for many of the wear issues that often occur in engines. The question is, does it really have to be like this? Learn more in this white paper. Our white paper discusses the options currently

  • KLÜBERBIO LG 39-700 N 180 KG

  • KLÜBERBIO AM 92-142 180 KG

  • KLÜBERBIO LM2-46 200 LTR

  • KLÜBERPLEX GE 11-680 25 KG


  • KLÜBERBIO EG 2-150 200 LTR

  • KLÜBEROIL GEM 1-46 N 200 LTR

  • KLÜBEROIL GEM 1-68 N 200 LTR