Special projects

The following are examples of some of the projects the Shipowner Tom Wilhelmsen’s Foundation (TWS) supports:

The following are examples of some of the projects the Shipowner Tom Wilhelmsen’s Foundation (TWS) supports:


In the cultural sector, TWS supports various initiatives.

• Aulaseriene was granted 3 million 2025-2028. 

• Filmskapere received 12 million 2022-2027.

• Oslo-Filharmonien received 3.5 million in 2023 for a free outdoor concert at Slottsplassen in August and another 3.5 million for a concert in August 2024.

• Ungdomssymfonikerne received 250,000 in 2023.

• Røykenvik Opera Festival was granted 500,000 in 2023 for the festival in the summer 2024.

• Den Norske Opera- og Ballett received 10,3 million for 2023-2026 to establish the Wilhelmsen Ballet Academy and 14,4 million for 2023-2026 to establish WOYS - Wilhelmsen Studio for Young Singers.

• The Barratt Due Musikkinstitutt was given 15 million NOK for 2023-2025 to aid institutional development.

• MiniFjorden, a children’s festival in Sandefjord, was supported with 350,000 for the summer festival in 2024.

• Naturhistorisk Museum received 980,000 in spring 2023 for various initiatives, but mainly promoting Veksthusene at Tøyen.

• Oslofjordens Friluftsråd got 1.5 million in 2023 for the Oslofjordaksjon 2023-2025.

• Nøtterøy Amatør Teater received 30,000 in 2023. Dronning Sonja Internasjonale Sangkonkurranse was supported with 10 million in the period of 2023-2025.


In medicine, TWS funded amongst others:

• TWS supported UiO – Nasjonalt senter for selvmordforskning with 4.3 million for the period 2022-2024 for a PhD scholarship.

• Aktiv mot kreft received 4.2 million in 2022 for a new facility at Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital, as well as 15 million over three years 2025-2027 for a competence center at a new building between Ullern VGS/Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park and the new Radiumhospitalet.

• In 2023, TWS contributed 28,000 to a PhD project developing a heart monitoring app for parents of infants with congenital heart defects, alongside funding various other medical projects. 


In the maritime sector, TWS supports various projects. Some of the projects are:

• Flyte – the organization focused on drowning prevention, received 1 mill in 2024.

• Wilhelmsen Ship Management was granted 7.8 million over three years from 2023 to support young women’s education in maritime fields.

• UArctic Seabed Curtain Project received 2.5 million in 2023 and 2,5 million in 2024. The project aims to delay the melting of the Thwaites Glacier.

• TWS donated 22 million in 2021 to Redningsselskapet for the development of “Smart Saver" initiative; a boat that aims to produce the least possible emissions.

• RopeHope received 500,000 in 2023 for a pilot project that aims to give old ropes a “new life”.

• Norsk Klimastiftelse was granted 600,000 in 2023 for a knowledge dissemination project on green shipping.

• BI Norwegian Business School received 11.7 million in 2023 to renew a professorship in marine industries and a PhD position.

• TERRAVERA Foundation got 1 million in 2023 to research the effectiveness of sustainability measures in shipping.

Tønsberg Seilforening received 250,000 in 2023 for purchasing a new boat.

• Tjøme og Hvasser Røde Kors was granted 900 000 from 2025-2027.


In humanitarian efforts, TWS has supported several projects over the years. Some are:

Right to Play with 2 million annually from 2023-2025, a volunteer initiative for Ukraine with 250,000 in 2023, Redd Barna with 50,000 in 2023 for Gaza relief, and Doctors Without Borders with 100,000 in 2023 for Gaza aid.


In total, TWS provided approximately 90 million NOK in project support in 2022 and around 60 million NOK in 2023, including 6 million NOK in scholarships in 2023.

  • MAW_bilde_1

    Make-A-Wish Norway

    In 2021, Tom Wilhelmsen's Foundation became a Gold Sponsor of Make-A-Wish Norway.

  • Bilde Thomas W og Randi Lunnan_listing

    Wilhelmsen Professorship in maritime research

    We are proud sponsors of a professorship in maritime research, as well as a PhD position, together with the Norwegian Business School (BI). The agreement, with the intention to further develop the BI Centre for Ocean Business, was established in 2006 and will secure funding from 2023-2027.

  • barrat_due_wilhelmsen_main

    Barratt Due Musikkinstitutt

    Tom Wilhelmsen’s Foundation has committed to supporting best-in-class musical institution Barratt Due Musikkinstitutt over a period of three years, with 15 mill Norwegian kroners, with the intention to further develop the institution.

Some of the initiatives we support