Ship to Ship Transfer - Advanced

The aim of this course is to train Master/Deck officers in the Ship to Ship oil transfer procedures and emphasizes the critical points that must be noted if accidents are to be avoided right through all the key stages, from earliest pre planning to the final unmooring and separation.
Course | Updated
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Main aspects of the planning and execution of operations and the solving of problems that may arise can be demonstrated and practiced in the safe environment of the simulator.  

Duration – 5 days

Target Group: Masters, Chief officers.  

Course Contents:

  • Preplanning of mooring arrangements including fendering systems
  • Use of OCIMF Guidelines to ensure safe and trouble-free operation
  • The preparation of contingency plans and their activation in case necessary
  • Ship handling and manoeuvring to come alongside and cast off safely

Exercises are conducted on Full Mission Navigation Simulator

STS at Anchor

STS while underway under various wind and weather conditions