Romania - Manning Office

WSM's manning office in Romania, Barklav, is certified to provide manpower to ship owners, ship managers and ship operators in accordance with MLC requirements.

Our manning office in Romania is licensed by the Romanian Naval Authority and Romanian Labor Authority to supply qualified seafarers to the shipping and offshore wind energy industry.


Mamaia blvd. 251-253, 2nd Floor
900559 Constanza


Laurentiu A. Lazar
General Manager

Tel: +40 241 673 737
Fax: +40 241 673 535


Recruitment process:

  • Send your CVs via e-mail as displayed above
  • The recruitment officer will set an appointment with applicants after receiving and shortlisting the candidate
  • Walk-in applicants may be accepted depending on the availability of our recruitment officers

We are a business for people. We are customer centric and strive to get the right results, the right way.

Laurentiu A. Lazar - General Manager, Barklav


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