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Welcome to Wilhelmsen Ship Management's media centre for news, insights, reports and updates within the ship management arena.  

  • Haakon Portrait

    Get to know Haakon Lenz, Wilhelmsen Ship Management's new CEO & President

    In this exclusive interview, Haakon shares his vision for the company and perspectives on the challenges and opportunities shaping the future of ship management.

    Wilhelmsen insights |
    Wilhelmsen Ship Management

  • Rajdeep web listing image

    From Sea to Finish Line, Rajdeep Amonkar’s Ironman Triumph

    Our seafarers are more than just experts of the oceans; they are individuals who inspire through their extraordinary achievements beyond their professional lives. One such story is that of Rajdeep Amonkar, a 40-year-old Chief Engineer from Goa, India, who has conquered not one but two Full Ironman triathlons.

    Wilhelmsen insights |
    Wilhelmsen Ship Management

  • Essential Marine Management Asset Care Main Image

    Essential Marine Management with Asset Care for Smooth Operations

    Discover how marine management and asset care can streamline maritime operations.

    Wilhelmsen insights |
    Wilhelmsen Ship Management

  • Ove's Daughter in Ship

    Beneath the Same Stars in a Different Era

    Ove Myrstad started his career in Wilhelmsen, following in his father's footsteps. They share a seafaring bond that will be cherished for a lifetime. We explore his journey starting from his father's seafaring career, his own career as well as share his experiences along the way.

    Wilhelmsen insights |
    Wilhelmsen Ship Management

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    Sustainability Report 2023

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management's annual sustainability report presents the key aspects of our ESG progress and ambitions.

  • listing image Aoyama

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management Cocktail Reception in Japan

    We are pleased to host an exclusive, invitation-only cocktail reception, bringing together the leaders of Japan's shipping community. This event promises an engaging atmosphere, perfect for networking, exchanging ideas, and building valuable connections to strengthen ties within the maritime industry.

  • Winning talent tug of war

    Winning the talent tug of war

    How Responsible Ship Management practices Attracts and Retains Top Seafaring Talent

    Wilhelmsen insights |
    Wilhelmsen Ship Management

  • listing image Ploes

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management Cocktail Reception in Athens

    Exclusive cocktail reception bringing together the Greek shipping community. This invitation-only event promises an engaging atmosphere where industry leaders can network and exchange ideas. Discover the latest updates in Wilhelmsen Ship Management and gain insights from our experts on the EU ETS. Plus, enjoy a special performance by Polyphonica: a non-profit organization supported by Wilhelmsen.

  • Cebu Listing Image
  • RightProc_Listing_Logo

    RightProc - The Right Way for your Maritime Procurement Solutions

    We understand the challenges faced by maritime companies in adapting to the evolving regulatory landscape. We are committed to providing our clients with comprehensive solutions that not only ensure compliance but also drive cost savings and enhance ESG performance.

    Wilhelmsen insights |
    Wilhelmsen Ship Management

  • Captain Rosemelyn

    Captain Rosemelyn On Board Of AS Patria

    We are very proud to announce that Mrs. Rosemelyn De Villa Boongaling took over her first command on our AS Patria as the first Female Captain in Wilhelmsen Ahrenkiel Ship Management.

    Wilhelmsen insights |
    Laura Paschburg, Wilhelmsen Ahrenkiel Ship Management

  • Andreas

    Shipping: More Than Just Delivering Packages

    Our management trainee, Andreas shared his three-months journey at Wilhelmsen Ship Management, "I've discovered the vast and vital world of shipping. From a mere package delivery fee to now seeing its impact on daily life, shipping's versatility in finance, marketing, and sustainability makes it an exciting industry for the future. Engaging in meetings, projects, and sailing with the crew has been invaluable, and I'm grateful for the experience."

    Wilhelmsen insights |
    Wilhelmsen Ship Management

  • Listing image WM1-2023

    WManager 1-2023

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management's in-house magazine

  • listing image yacht club Greece

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management Seminar & Cocktail in Athens

    We will be hosting a seminar and cocktail reception to meet and greet the Greek shipping community. This is an intimate, invitation-only event intended to foster conversation on Rightship vetting, viability of biofuel as a drop-in fuel, alongside the latest updates on EU ETS and development of alternative fuel engines.

  • Norway embassy - Japan

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management Seminar and Dinner in Tokyo

    We will be hosting a seminar and dinner to meet and greet the Japanese shipping community. This is an intimate, invitation-only event intended to foster conversation amongst industry decision makers about new regulations from the IMO and EU and their impact on the shipping industry, as well as the operation and safety of LNG bunkering.

  • Carl Schou (Left) and Richard Fulford-Smith (Right)

    Wilhelmsen Ship Management and Affinity Shipping team up to launch full EU emissions reporting and trading services

    Global ship manager pools expertise with independent ship broker to offer a unique package of services to assist ship owners and operators navigate and comply with regulations as shipping gears up for emissions trading debut.

  • Felina profile

    Felina Lin

    Vice President of Services and New Growth

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    Getting our crew ready for SIRE 2.0

    The new SIRE 2.0 regime is expected to become operational soon. It is our upmost priority to ensure that our crew can transition into the new regime without overloading them with too much information as they perform their day-to-day duties.

    Wilhelmsen insights |

  • holding hands

    The Tale of a Seafarer's Wife

    The life of a seafarer certainly has its challenges, and one of it is being away from your family for long periods of time. But imagine being the wife of a seafarer and having to part with your husband for weeks or sometimes even months.

    Wilhelmsen insights |

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    The Captain, The Princess and The Life of a Seafarer

    “I am a positive person, and I believe that being positive affects our outlook in life,” Captain Nitin Malkani shares. It was apparent from our call that he’s someone who is very composed, an indispensable trait especially when working in COVID times.

    Wilhelmsen insights |

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    In Conversation with the Chief Engineer for Yara Birkeland

    It's not every day that you get to work for something that has the title, "the world's first". So, when the chance arose, Bjørnar Flaa knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. This is because Bjørnar would be working on the world's first fully electric and autonomous container vessel, the Yara Birkeland.

    Wilhelmsen insights |

  • Reaching High 2

    Flying High with a Career at Sea

    Choosing the seafarers life is not so common choice for young people nowadays due to many factors including being away from home for long periods of time. Nevertheless, the charms of sailing and exploring the world continue to appeal to a small fraction of those who want to live an extraordinary life.

    Wilhelmsen insights |

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